TG Web Archive


Michelle's Mid Day Break was the URL for the site known as Michelle's Mid Day Break, often stylized and referred to as MidDay, Mid-Day, or Midday. The earliest capture of Midday was on 03/28/97, during the site's brief time being hosted on TGGuide, although her TGG staff page profile calls her "famous for her Midday Break site." Content on the fantasy stories page dates back to 03/96, including a story written by an admirer, which could mean the existence of the site before 03/96. By 06/16/97, Midday was no longer hosted on TGG and moved to Dragscape.

Unlike TGG or Susan's Place, Midday operated more like an elaborate personal blog, with a much smaller focus on user submitted site content, chats, or trans issues outside of appearance, and much more on being desirable and fashionable. More than anything, the site's main driving force was glitz, and hosted an exclusive "sorority" known as the Vanity Club during the TGG days, and the Glamour Girls at some point post-move after some disagreements over how the sorority would be run.

"There are plenty of 'political TG forums' out there and this definitely is NOT one of them! We all know how important it is for us to have political rights, etc. and we all have our personal convictions on them. But we don't discuss them here. [...] The Glamour Girls is a club that I decided to put together to show off glamourous transgendered inviduals on the internet. There are only two basic criteria you need in order to be accepted into the club. The first criteria is vanity, you must be photogenic [...]

"The goal is to begin setting a higher standard on which to achieve both in dealing with each other and our physical appearance. Bottom line, it's an excuse to pull together some stunning girls, that really know how to have a good time."

Besides showcasing photo galleries, biographies, and interviews with the Glamour Girls, the website featured user-generated stories, a relationship advice section called "the Couple's Corner," a virtual boutique, and a section on a Dallas-based transformation service called Feminine Illusions.

The final capture for Dragscape in its initial form was 12/02/01 and by 03/24/02 the URL for the homepage displayed a blank screen with a message saying that the site was temporarily down. Between 03/02 and 04/04 no capures exist, and by 04/10/04 the page was simply a squatted domain. By 09/24/04, a 403 message displayed until 07/03/06, at which point the domain hosted a list of sponsored links such as "Crossdressing Superstore," "SheMale Sex Dates Tonight," and "Payday Loans." Until sometime before 08/11/11, the site only hosted a variety pages of likely-malicious ad links, including, for a brief window, a link titled "Michelle's Midday Break" that linked to something entirely unrelated. From that point to present, the domain has been for sale and is available for purchase for just under $2,500.

Page Description Archive Date Capture Date Link
Girl to Girl: Interviews with the Glamour Girls, Elizabeth An interview with Glamour Girl Elizabeth by fellow GG, Barbara 04/04/23 02/24/98 x
Girl to Girl: Interviews with the Glamour Girls, Caren An interview with Glamour Girl Caren by fellow GG, Barbara 04/03/23 02/24/98 x
Girl to Girl: Interviews with the Glamour Girls, Rene An interview with Glamour Girl Rene by fellow GG, Barbara 04/03/23 02/24/98 x
Girl to Girl: Interviews with the Glamour Girls, Samantha An interview with Glamour Girl Samantha by fellow GG, Barbara 04/03/23 02/24/98 x
Girl to Girl: Interviews with the Glamour Girls, Jillian An interview with Glamour Girl Jillian by fellow GG, Barbara 04/03/23 02/24/98 x
Girl to Girl: Interviews with the Glamour Girls, Jennifer An interview with Glamour Girl Jennifer by fellow GG, Barbara 04/03/23 02/24/98 x
Girl to Girl: Interviews with the Glamour Girls, Alexandra An interview with Glamour Girl Alexandra by fellow GG, Barbara 04/03/23 02/24/98 x
Girl to Girl: Interviews with the Glamour Girls, Michelle An interview with Michelle by fellow Glamour Girl, Barbara 04/02/23 02/24/98 x
The Glamour Girls A page explaining the purpose of the virtual sorority 04/02/23 02/24/98 x
Michelle's Auto-Biography The story of the site operator's life through the lens of gender 3/30/23 2/5/98 x
Beach Apartment A forced feminization/sissy story 3/30/23 2/5/98 x
Chance Meeting A short scene written by an admirer of the site operator about meeting at a bar 3/30/23 2/5/98 x
The Bluffs A brief piece of romantic creative writing 3/30/23 2/5/98 x
Meeting with Michelle A two part story written by an admirer of the site operator about going on a date with her 3/30/23 2/5/98 x
Shopping A few sentences about the author's desire to shop after stores close 3/30/23 2/5/98 x
Just Friends A short fantasy about becoming friends with another woman, ending with a tender kiss 3/30/23 2/5/98 x


On the 02/24/98 and 06/25/98 captures of the Glamour Girls interview page, there are eight interviews, however in both the captures after that (01/27/99, 04/27/99) Samantha and Barbara's interviews have been removed. My best guess is that the two girls ended their memberships, stopped paying dues, or had a falling out with Michelle and were removed, but as of 04/04/23, that is all just a guess.