TG Web Archive

Meeting with Michelle

An Admirer's Fantasy with Michelle

Unsure of myself, I knocked on your door, waiting for you to answer. Moments that seemed like forever passed until you opened up, and I stood in the cool night air, nervously shivering.

Finally, the door swung open, and lit from behind, you looked marvelous: A mid-length skirt, tight top, long dark hair that curled around your delicate features. Your make-up matched the color of your clothing perfectly, and your soft skin glowed in the twilight of your porch. We both stood silently for a moment, appraising each other.

Finally, you smiled and broke the silence. "Come in, come in!" I entered your apartment, stylish, well-matched. "I'll only be a minute!" Then you were gone.

I sat down on the couch, absent-mindedly flipping through magazines while you were in the back. The scent of your perfume lingered in the air, the tendrils of the scent tickling my nose.

"Ready?" you asked, emerging from the back of the house once again. "Yes, anytime. Shall we?" I replied. Then, looking into my hands, I remembered that I had almost forgotten the small present I had brought you, a pink rose. "Oh! This is for you!"

"Thanks! it's very pretty!" you said, taking the flower from me. "Let me put it in some water before we leave!" You went into the kitchen, and from a high shelf, reached for a small vase you kept stored, our of the way. As you did, you arched your back, giving me a view of your backside that I took in silently, outwardly anyway. The sight got hormones singing in my bloodstream. Before you turned, I looked away, as I didn't want either of us to endure the awkwardness of my gawking.

"There." You said, placing the rose on a table. "And thanks again,!" you said, reaching up to give me a brief kiss on the cheek. "That was very thoughtful."

I smiled at you again, and said sheepishly, "You're welcome..." and after a moment, "allons zi?"

"Yes, let's." you said, and into the night we went...

In the car, the conversation was quick and easy, and no subject seemed unavailable to either one of us. We spoke of cars, celebrities, Dallas, computers. Before we realized it, we were into the parking lot of the restaurant.

Dinner was superb, a candle-lit setting replete with fine food and soft wine, accompanied by the tinkling of a piano player across the room. The conversation continued until the plates were cleared, and at the same time, the piano player had been joined by a cellist and a saxophonist, and they began playing slow, sensual jazz. A few tables had been cleared, and couples were winding their way through the remaining ones for an after-dinner dance. I looked at you, and said, "Shall we?"

"I'd be honored!" you said in reply. I stood, and went behind your chair, pulling it back as you stood. We walked aside each other. About halfway there, our hands brushed and I absentmindedly pulled your fingers into mine. You responded by locking your long slender fingers between mine. No one said a word as we continued moving towards the music.

As we danced, the talk was quieter, but still there. Your movements were perfect and you followed my leads with ease and grace. We danced each song, until we noticed that we were the only ones left on the floor. The band leader smiled at us, and said to me, "Last song."

I smiled back at him and turned to you and said, "Last dance?"

"I'd love to." you replied as the band found another smoky melody. All too soon, it was over.

The ride back to your house was quick and quiet, both of us a little tired from the good meal and the dancing. Standing on your doorway, I waited as you opened the lock. Once the door cracked, you turned to me, and said, "I had a really great time, thank you!"

I smiled, and said, "Yes, Me too. Shall we do it again sometime soon?"

"I'd like that." was your reply.

Then the awkward moment of silence where we simply stared at each other, neither sure what to do next. Finally, with all of the courage that I could muster, I leaned forward and kissed you on the lips. You pressed back, pressing your lips onto mine, and parting them with your tongue. The silent communication continued for only a moment until we both pulled backward and smiled again.

"See you soon!" I said, and backed away from the door.

"Good night!"

-------- Part II ---------
Several dates went by, each time better than the last. A bond had formed and the beginnings of a relationship were apparent to us both.

On a whim, we stopped by a mall one evening, and went from store to store, shopping for clothes and lingerie for you. You selected what you liked, paid for them and my job was to state my opinion and carry the loot as it accumulated. Dancing dresses, cocktail dresses, stockings, shoes and cologne were added to my burdens, which I carried gladly from each store.

I marveled at your tastes, how you put things together, and how the clothes seemed as if they were made for you. Even the sales girls were impressed, making positive comments, one even saying that they had nerve thought of how this went with that and how it was just so tres chic. You were amused by this and the two of you talked for a few minutes while I stood idly by.

Back at your apartment, you tried on each outfit successively. I drank wine and enjoyed the show, enjoying your prettiness and thanking my lucky stars it was me who got to enjoy all of this.

Finally, the show-stopper. You came out of the bedroom wearing black stockings, and a black teddy. Your round and strong shoulders held it perfectly, accentuating your lively breasts with savior faire. Across the room, you smiled at me and asked, "Do you like this?"

"mmm hmm." I said emphatically. "Yes, I do."

"I hoped so."

"Come closer. Let me see you Michelle."

You came across the room and stood before me. "Yes, I think you look divine." Underneath the teddy, I could see the dark outline of silk panties. I stood. "I like this very much!"

"Thanks. I'm glad." You looked at me, drawing my eyes into yours. Instinctively, I kissed you again, and wrapped my arms around you to pull you into me. Our tongues twined and I felt the desire building up into me. We collapsed onto the couch, and I fell atop you, still kissing your, now pressing my body onto yours. You responded by moving your hands across my back, adding to my tension.

Like explorers, we searched each other thoroughly, savoring the hunger within us. Finally, I reached below your teddy, and into your panties. I found you there, already excited, waiting for me. As my fingers touched you, I felt a shudder and a moan in your kisses. I took you in my hand completely, freeing your sex from the silk.

My kisses began trailing southward, first your ears, followed by your neck, then your belly. Finally over the top of you, I took you whole into my mouth, plunging downward until your sex was engulfed by me. Once there, I swallowed a few times, and moved my tongue over your shaft. In response, you continued growing inside me.

My fingers started scratching your skin lightly, and I felt your desire building. In response, I tightened my mouth, intensifying the sensation. It didn't take long. As you exploded within me, I eagerly swallowed your pleasure until you shrank from my tongue and relaxed.

Looking up, I smiled. I savored your taste, not wanting it to recede. Then, I felt your fingers reaching for my belt. Undoing it, you lowered my trousers, and I kicked them off onto the floor. As I did, you engulfed me completely, and also like you my response was thick and stiff. My world collapsed into pleasure as I smelled your scent and felt the friction of your mouth and your silk across my body. I tried to prolong it, but felt your insistence and gave into you, letting thick stickiness erupt from me. You didn't flinch, no, you just let me feel your magic.

The world stopped for a while, and finally, you broke the silence, asking, "Would you like to spend the night?"

"Oh, yes...."