TG Web Archive

TGGuide TeaRoom Chat
Sun 03/02/97


Thanks to Rosie for editing this chat to archive format!



hello all

Welcome everyone to the Sunday Night Chat....tonight our topic will be always.....nothing is out of bounds.....but let's keep it with within reason

Hi Randi!!!!! Hugs, thanks for the invite!!

Most of all let's have a good time

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Hi Randi, how are you this evening

Malana Greetings!!!!!

and to you Allison.....How are both of you?????

(=-Allison (Wpg)
doing just fine thanks Randi, things are starting to move along a bit quicker than a snsils pace finally :)

Here just had a restful day


folks just wondering....has the transition hindered anyone here in finding a relationship?

(=-Allison (Wpg)
So Randi, I guess a good place to start a conversation about relationships would be with yourself, your engaged I believe. How has the whole experience affected your relationships and feelings for others.?

Oops, that last anymouse was me! Hi HeatherB!

Back in about an hour.

Heather and AnyMOuse....hello..and welcome to the chat.....opening question was up top

(=-Teri Leigh
I'm here. *smile*

This is like to weard.. Randi.... I think I am finding my self geting in to one.. You may have herd me speak about Tim to Vik In the Kaffe House from time to time..

(=-Kimberly (CT)
Hi all! (is that an echo delay of 4 minutes I hear?)

Allision I guess I will.....Allie and I are very unique in that we are both M to F....and we are interracial.....met on the internet in June 95......but beforehand...I was invloved with another M to F but in retrospect that would not have worked.......too many problems

(=-Teri Leigh
Hehehe, Randi, you got to be kidding. Ok, For the benefit of all here, I will NOT give a history of my love life. I will just say that I have yet to meet a woman who is looking for a wife. *smile*

Heather I am happy about you both have something in common????? Here in spite of the fact that were are from very, very different backgrounds....Allie is from western Maryland...I am from Brooklyn.....there were and are a lot of things we have in common

(=-Allison (Wpg)
It seems to me, that many TG prefer the company of other TG's as opposed to John Q Public, and also MTF's tend to have relationships with other MTF's or GG's as opposed to a hetro relationship??

Teri ***HUGGGSS**** just being honest about how things came to be....

(=-Kimberly (CT)
Hmm, well I don't know, I used to know a woman who was interested in me a couple of years ago, she knew about me and the transition, but the relationship has not gotten anywhere, but I'm not sure if it was the transition (I have some suspicions about it being that) or if it's just that she went to live in NH for school. She has recently returned to this area, and a mutual contact has informed me that she would like to call and talk or meet up some time. By the way she is BI, so she has told me that she has no prblem with a relationship with someone like me no matter where I end up in the gender spectrum.

that is very true.....TG people seem to need the company more because of the shared experiences and patterns

(=-Teri Leigh
Just kidding , Randi. But I am the worst of all people to talk about relationships. It is probably better that I just listen.

(=-Allison (Wpg)
so does it then follow that being a lesbian TS is more the norm rather than a hetro TS??

Kimberly do you think that she will want to persue the relationship further?

Well Randi.. I guess so I dont know yes. I have known tim for a long time. before and after if you will. and he works for me. We have always been good friends. and yesterday he asked me out. on a date today... Not so much a Togather ,B friend G friend date just some time out. He is Hetro bus today as he droped me off I think He wanted to kiss me. and I realy wanted him to. but We both kinda just sat there and looked at each other for the longest time..

In my experience...yes, that would be the case Allison.....

And I am not sure what to do. Should I make a move or should I let him Cet comffey first???????

Teri, I know you are busy know but when you get a chance...i did send an email dear...I am gone for now.

(=-Kimberly (CT)
It's difficult to say, she was quite distant in her attitude towards me just before she left, she is quite busy lately with school and her new job and such. I gave our mutal contact my E-Mail address and phone number, so I guess it's up to her to contcat me as I only know of where she works and have no other info on her now (I lost track when she moved away).

Heather the important thing is that he cares about you and resepects you as a human being........Alliosn...the one thing I will tell you about those I have been around.....the reason for my invlovement and happines with those who are T's has to do with the commonality of backgrounds

(=-Allison (Wpg)
if we had of been born genetically female, would not (most) of our relationships of been hetro. There seems to be difficulty in altering ones perception of a mate, more so than altering ones gender?

Heather it thinking would be to for him to become more comfortable with you explore your backgrounds

Allison interesting point...I think I would be more attracted to males if I were GG....anyone else..

or would we be attracted to dare I say butchier females???

(=-Allison (Wpg)
I've been strictly hetro all my life, now, I don't know if I'm afraid of having a relationship with a man some day, or sfraid of not having one??

(=-Teri Leigh
Vickie, I responded to your Email, dear, but it was returned. Your return address was wrong. *smile*

seems an interesting proposition

(=-Kimberly (CT)
I think I would have been lesbian Allison, as for as far back as I can remember, I have not cared much for the way men treat women. This was back in the mid-70's and things were only starting to open up slightly towards equality, but I always saw the imbalance of mentalities as wrong. (I was somewhat enlightened as a 10 year old, geez, what happened to me, I'm a total dope these days, GRIN)

Randi... I have known him for about 10 years... and only known him well for about 2. We have been good friends even after the transistion. and some what closer I think.He just got the Big !D! From his wife. and has only been pointed tward GG....But for the last month we have become close...The thing that bothers me is What If it works out. I still have 4 Months to go before I can eaven go through SRS....And I would not do any thing as I am Now. So what should I do. If things go my way whith Tim???

It would depend on the man hon

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Hmmm difficult questions demand difficult answers, like are there any TS nuns, there's an option I haven't explored LOLOL

(=-doc gary
hello all

(=-Randi you love for who he is and does he love you for who you are????

Hello Doc

In my prior relationships...since starting transition..I prefered those who were T....ans where I could not only have a few of my [male] interests still resident.....but where I can also be feminine as well

(=-Teri Leigh
Allison, there certainly ARE TS nuns.

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Kimberly, "the way men treat women" is pretty broad, in any past relationships, I think you would be hard pressed to find a GG that didn't think they were treated well by me. If you wanted to generalize, you could also add " the way women treat men", I've seen the way some friends are treated by their wives. Worse than any man ..

(=-Kimberly (CT)
Actually, I think I should have pt in that last statement that I just don't see what women see in men, I have always seeen most of them as repulsive both physically and mentally (I just don't understand things like machismo, cars, sports, ect.)

I can also say that when it comes down to intimacy it is better to be around a fellow T

Randi. I love him. But I dont know What he realy thinks of me deep down.

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Teri, I meant is as a joke, but I'd really never thought about that before. Why shouldn't there be Ts nuns really.

Kim it took transition for me to that as well

(=-doc gary
not all men are like that kim

Well I need to run. SeYa ......Have a Grand Night...

(=-Teri Leigh
Heather J Told me of a Sister Mary Elizabeth, Allison. Randi, might know of her.

Heather...have you asked him to be honest about his feelings towards you??

(=-doc gary
randi why do you feel that G men or women can not be intimate with a T

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Kimberly, I agree that a men can be very ummm formitable physically, but mentally, each one is as different as each woman is different.

Teri Yes I know of her......Doc I will agree to an me let's talk later

(=-Teri Leigh
Randi, have you ever talked with Heather J about Sister Mary Elizabeth, an Episcopalian nun?

(=-Teri Leigh
Doc, I didn't hear Randi say that G men and women can not be intimate with a T. She is only speaking of personal preferences.

Doc I might have mispoken...what was meant ws that because of the fact that there are parts in common...intimacy between T's would be easier to achieve when both partners have things in common

(=-doc gary
but there are some men and women attracted to T's that may find it just as easy to be intimate

(=-Kimberly (CT)
I know I put that into too much of a generalization, and please don't be offended by it, I really don't believe ALL men or ALL women be lumped into any one category, I also was refering to the mid-70's when things were much different than they are now, I would not say the same things about gender today as I used to see demonstrated by the majority back then.

Randi and all..great conversation!!

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Randi, all the relationships that work for anyone are based on common interests and mutual respect, I just don't understand why the common interest would be the gender issue when there is so very much more out in the world to be of interest to people. I know the gender issue looms large for myself, but it's not everything i a

I mean it is easier to be intimate without there ebing false expectations

(=-doc gary
ok kim i'll let you talk your way out of that one tonite *grin*

Allison...the common bonds that T's have make it easier to tlak about things and can help the relationship to means that someone does not have to explain themselves everytime

(=-Teri Leigh
I think that it should be said that we here tonight have a variety of personal preferences whigh we should feel comfotable in sharing without letting that cloud the issue of honest, loving relationships. Remember, Romance is entirely subjective.

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Kimberly, please don't worry about offending me, many have tried....few have succeded LOLOL It's all just part of a learning and questioning experience for me. Here on Sundays especially, is somewhere where the fluff if left behind and the issues come out for a change.

(=-doc gary
what do you mean explain themselves everytime randi?

I have had to do so so often I have become the Shell Answer Mistress

(=-doc gary
what have you had to explain? who you are? Sex? what to do sexually? what??????

(=-denise renee
I'm going to give this topic thing one more chance. What is it tonight?

such as: what is transition, how long have you ben doing this, did the medication effect your drive...that sort of thing...

(=-Teri Leigh
Relationships, Denise.

Denise we are talking about relationships

(=-denise renee
I'm kinda weak in that area. Afraid to even think of having a relationship at this stage.

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Denise dear, hello :)

(=-doc gary
hello denise

(=-denise renee
Hi Allison

Doc not many out there are as ....'educated' on the issues facing T's as fellow T's

(=-denise renee
Hi doc, randi, teri

(=-Teri Leigh
I feel the same way, Denise, but this is all very good information. Stick around. *smile*

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Randi, I'm not calling anyone for their personal choices, I only present these questions for myself and my interests. If we tend to stay within our own groups when seeking relationships, are we not then having relationships because of the gender issue, and not inspite of it.

Denise honey we have all been afraid

(=-doc gary
randi this is true but shouldn't segregate yourself just to T's im sure there are many GM how are educated also

Allison you are right...but that can be said about religion or ethnicity

(=-Kimberly (CT)
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to put those things that way, I seem to put my foot into my mouth every sunday night. I know I made some a bit upset about age a while back when I made the observation that the local gender group seemed a bit sparse for the under 40 crowd, and now I'm making sexist remarks when I didn't mean to, UGH! Hmm, why does this foot taste like vicks chloraseptic?

However Doc....the chances of securing a relationship become less outside of the community

(=-Allison (Wpg
doc, I don't think anyone who hasn't spent thousands hours wondering and worrying about their gender can really be educated on the subject it's far to broad and subjective to try and explain a feeling. I mean, how do you answer the big question "Why"? I sure can't even begin to answer it for myself, let alone explain it to someone else.

(=-Randi are not a sexist..and you do not have foot in moth disease

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Kimberly, do what I do, just change feet every now and then. LOL

(=-denise renee
Foot in moth, now that cracks me up! Love typos sometimes.

Allison that is why someimtes it is better to be with a fellow T

(=-Teri Leigh
It is true what Randi says, when she says that T transexual can understand what it is like to be transexual better than ANY non transexual. I do not believe that this is the ONLY aspect of a relationship. But what she has said is perfectly common sense. And that is ALL that I've heard her say about it. I don't understand why people are picking this apart.

(=-Allison (Wpg)
My point ( I guess) is are we not limiting ourselves that way. There are many many (ok a couple Kim) of find men and women out there that any T would be proud to have a relationship with.

Doc....what is your viewpoint?

(=-doc gary
i agree but if that person outside the T community is attracted to you knows your a T maybe they not wondering why?

(=-Teri Leigh
Kim, I love what you say, dear. *smile*

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Teri, if you take a subject, pick it apart, toss it around and put it back together, you'll have a better understanding of the whole subject.

Exactly Allison

(=-Hello everyone i'll watcha while and see what going on

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Well having two XSO's, maybe I should just watch and learn LOL

(=-doc gary
i think that there are many gm gg that are understanding and would love to be in a relationship, there is more than just gender as an issue just like in any other relationship

(=-Kimberly (CT)
While I am being apologetic, let me also apologize to anyone who might have been offended about my comments the night of discussion about group meetings, it seemed somehow that my observation of the age-split got some a bit upset.

(=-Teri Leigh
I understand, Allison. I guess I'm just being a bit defensive of Randi. My apologies to all. Sorry, Randi.

(=-Allison (Wpg)
doc, exactly my point, gender is a very small part of the whole.

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Teri, it's nice of you to try and defend Randi, but I hope nobody thinks I'm attacking her, or her values. These are just questions I have thought about.

thats was me on the post about watching for a bit

doc things are easier when one does not have to explain

(=-Kimberly (CT)
I might not be suffering of foot in mouth disease, but I am suffering of a shrunken head (Grin, and just kidding)

(=-Teri Leigh
Gender to me is a very LARGE part of my makeup. It is a part of WHO I am.

doc things are easier when one does not have to explain

How true Randi ... Now Kim that was last week forget it Hon

(=-Teri Leigh
Of course not, Allison. Again, I apologize, dear.

that is ok .........we had a stuck machine here....Let me ask those who have had relationships prior to Transition........would they have understood your T-status??

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Is it really Teri, how much of your day is spent on non-gender issues and activities. I know that we tend to think about gender a LOT more than the average Joe, and so we should. But what I want, in the end, is to be an average everyday woman, and to live a life as free of the gender issues as possible.

Allison my exwife told me she could live in a lesbain relationship

(=-Teri Leigh
Hi, Gayle.

(=-Allison (Wpg)
I think XSO #2 would of been supportive if I had let her have the chance.

because I know mine would not have

(=-doc gary
i think if your attracted to the person it shouldn't matter if your going to have to explain

Hi Teri HUGS hows thing?

Gayle a rarity.....not many would ahve

(=-doc gary
what about men that are attracted to T's would they not be understanding

Foir example....the last person I hade a psuedo serious relationship with....prer-transition would have killed me

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Personally, I don't see the attraction of a GM to a pre-op, I mean, what are they getting out of the relationship that they couldn't get out of a relationship with another GM, without the gender baggage coming along.

(=-Teri Leigh
Honestly, Allison, most of my day and weeks and months have been spent on gender issues.

Randi, as I said, I once had a fiance but she was not looking for a wife. We used to fight for the bottom position. *grin*
As long as she was aggressive things went fine. But I'm afraid that she did not feel fulfilled when that got old.

Doc....that could be because of the exotic factor

Teri I am sorry hon...

I know Randi....I have number of GG friends but all have said the same it would to hard to live that way.. Now I also know a few Lesbians that would love to live with me

(=-denise renee
I have found that the men who have contacted me saying they are attracted to T's simply want sex, there is nothing relational about their desires at all.

(=-doc gary
yes i agree randi,

Heather, Denise, GAyle, Malana any comments

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Teri, like youself, I spend an extreme amount of time thinking about the issues, being a long haul truck driver gives me PLENTY of time to think. But it's still only a part of my whole makeup as a person, I still enjoy a good book, good friends, a few laughs and most of all, Ann Margret!!!!!

Denise..pre transition did you find man saying things like that openly about genetic females?

ooops that should be men

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Denise, I agree completely!! But then with a pic like you have, can you blame them dear!! *wink*

(=-Teri Leigh
I must say to everyone at this time that I have severe mental illness issues which stand in the way of a relationship for me.

Diense I agree i have had number of men that would love to meet and mate and there is no real atarction then that

amazingly enough...I find that the males in the circle I am in do not really badmouth least this is what I notice at work....

(=-Teri Leigh
Allison, my heart skipped a beat when you mentioned Ann-Margaret. *grin*

(=-denise renee
Oh yes, Randi, having had the opportunity to be on the inside of male conversation, sex, sex, sex, I call it being in a continual testoserone fog.

(=-Kimberly (CT)
Hmm, my previous relationships, this is where things get tough... ok I break it into a trip backwards in time, "S" is repelled somewhat by it, she guessed when I went to tell her about my "problem" before I could tell her, this was after our relationship had dwindled anyway, and seems she has even less time to acknoledge me in a quickie pass-by now more than before (she used to get into a quick 2 minute chit-chat, now, it's about 2 seconds!) Here's the funny part, she was into lesbianism at one time long before we met. Ok before her there was "T", I think she was of an open enough mind to accept gay relationships, but I don't think it would have been the thing for her, she and I never really were very serious about each other though, there was an age factor that bothered her, she was 5 years younger, I know, big deal right? To her it was. (BTW: "S" was 11 years older, I have nothing against age), Now for the furthest back "M", my first love, I honestly don't know, there was no actual relationship between the two of us, and this was about 1980, so much has changed in mentalities that I can't even fathom what she'd be like now.

Gayle...what I can say here is that even if Allie and I were not engaged I would be in a relationship with a fellow T

No denise that is male ego speaking is all

Comments from relationshipless me..I'm too busy w/ the Desenex that Kimberly passed me! *giggle*

(=-Allison (Wpg)
any ISP who can't keep the connection open should be hung up by their garters and whipped!!!!

Kim when I was in college I think 'c' would have accepted because she was/is bi...the others including 'k' may have but only on an intellectual level

(=-denise renee
Interesting Gayle, kind of chuckling, guess I never had any of that.

Allison now now.....ISP murder is still illegal

I know Randi thats great to .. if you cna find happiness thats all that counts.

Hello!!..........Hmmmmm well , I know that I am in a relationship I have been in for 8 years and she has seen me into transition and probably through the RLT but after that things become real iffy and I geuss we'll work on that when we get there ...

Gayle I agree...and this also becomes more common in male oriented or dominated places

(=-Kimberly (CT)
Let me know when ISP murder becomes legal, mine has this stupid 2 hour cut-off, I have 75 minutes till I get cut and have to reconnect

(=-Teri Leigh
Hi, Arwen! Good to see you again, dear.

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Randi, it may be illegal, but we can get the laws changed. Besides, in duck season, we shoot ducks, in deer season, we shoot deers, in bear season, we shoot bears, in tourist season, why not...

Kimberly thats better than mine that works on a random cutoff time **gigle**

Hi all.... Relationships?... arrhggh...

Arwen thanks for coming in hon!!!!!!!!**HUGGGSS****Do you think that she will after all that you are currently going through?

(=-denise renee
Well, going to have to go, but for the record, I have no SO, not interested based on my experience so far, won't even consider it anyway till I'm complete. Maybe I'll just be a virgin all my life when it comes to that. Nite all, see you again. *hugs*

Annie sis **HUGGGGGGGGSSS****** how are you...pull up a keyboard hon!!

No one has talked about the added risks of T's trying to build any kind of realtionship, I think its funny when I hear GG's complaining about how hard it is to find the right relationship, and men would agree if they were honest...isn't it evem harder for us??

I know Randi.

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Randi/Gayle I agree sex is more the topic of conversation in male orientated employment, like truck driving, it drives me crazy ( no pun intended)

**Denise** HUGGGGSS!!!! Take care, hon!!!!

(=-Allison (Wpg
Bye Denise, see you later on I hope.

Randi I really don't know , She's been a godsend and is and will be my best friend but basically I am sorta asking her to change her sexual orientation and thats a bit much to ask or expect from anyone , so we both decided a long while back to just make it one day at a time and see what happens ....

oops, ...tryin to keep my yap shut tonight!!!

Malana good you feel that when some of us build up false expectations of what a relationship cann be??

No brought up a darn good point

Malana thats true and its funny that the number of t's that are in relationships with other T's .....

hello, what is the topic this evening?

anyone else?

I had a couple of relationships where the guy didnt know, but pre-op these were destined to fail, but what I got I liked! I'm still a child in the relationship arena. A virgin too, but that's life...

I think there is a trap ther, Randi! I think of myself as very vulnerable right now to anyone..and if I fit somwhere before, where do I fit now.....I don't think anyone really wants a relationship based exclusively on sex. But I've been wrong before!!

Pamela...we are talking about relationships

(=-Allison (Wpg)
I was laid over in Montreal the other day with my driving partner, he doesn't know anything yet. We were watching HBO and they had these 2 very attractive lesbian porno stars on a show, he's all hot and bothered about the whole thing, soon enough, they get out of the bathtub and low and behold, they are pre-ops, I almost split a gut laughing at the look on his face. I asked him if he still wanted to get to know them, he say NO WAY, to me, it means that on appearance alone, he was only interested in what was between their legs, and what they could do for him. Amusing, but very sad too.

Annie, you had a sexual relationship with a man pre operative?

Annie honey....born again virginity here only because my partner and I are waiting for her post op status

Allison it's not only the truckers that think that way ...

(=-doc gary
sorry had to step out

interesting thought

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Gayle, definately not just truckers, but very definately truckers LOL

the most liberal within reason that I ahve run into have been computer-geek types

Pamela... no. I dated one guy for a few weeks.. the other for 6 months. It was never sexual.. could never be....Randi... What guy is going to beleive a 31 year old virgin!!

I dont think that all men are phobic about the community, however sex is on their minds constantly. There have been several straight men over in the kaffe haus that seem pretty nice guys, not sexual at all. The enjoy talking about any topic, it doesnt bother them at all.

(=-doc gary
what do you mean randi???

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Okay, hope this isn't taken offensively by anyone. If as a pre-op, I have a relationship with another pre-op, or a GM, does that make me bi, gay, hetro, of just really confused??

(=-Randi are very fortunate dear.....can you share with us how you and your SO have been able to work things out so far??

(=-doc gary
i agree pamela

Yes, Randi... and also students of various subjects. It's the important element of the open mind that's needed. Unfortunatley, once people settle and do the family thing... most people's mind turn to concrete...

no that just makes you human hon! Doc......meaning that those who tend to be a tad more educated than the rest of the populace are those who will understand more...

(=-Teri Leigh
Be back later...{{{HUGS}}}

Allison... depends on the gender identity. If it was two MTFs, they would be lesbian; two FTM, gay male, .. etc.

Anie I'm 46 year old vergin *smile* ..... wb doc

Annie that is very true

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Randi, I think it was Masters & Johnson who proved that the higher educated an individual is, the more willing they ae to accept alternate lifestyles.

Bye Teri HUGS

me 37

I'm currently post operative, and have been for about 2 years now. Before having SRS i had met a guy who didnt seem to mind about my transgenderism. He wanted to have a relationship (even sexual) Some men just dont see that we are men on the inside, but really are women on the outside.

Later Teri **HUGGGGSS***

Personally, I'm not attracted to other TSs (that I've met!), but I have an open mind. I am very warm and close towards my girlfriends, but I'm not interested in anything sexual... guys are a different matter. It's a learning process for someon like me who is only going through puberty at a late stage

You are fortunate Pamala

(=-doc gary
education yes because they have been exposed to more, have been taught to think and and accept ideas then chose weather to accept or reject it

understood Annie

I'm currently post operative, and have been for about 2 years now. Before having SRS i had met a guy who didnt seem to mind about my transgenderism. He wanted to have a relationship (even sexual) Some men just dont see that we are men on the inside, but really are women on the outside.

(=-doc gary
pamela i agree with you. I have found that most men attracted to T's do not see them as men, but see them as female for there femine qualities

RandiI am fortunate , but then again Paula knew of my gender problem before our marriage and that helped . I think one thing that helped is I never had to over come years of deceit nor have to worry about hiding a past . On the other hand she did marry a male and ...... well this is a major problem that has caused some problems but we have been honest with each other and see the same therapist at the clinic , also we both set the pace of the therapy so as no one feels left out . Another words we both compromise and work real hard to maintain a relationship and this is hard to do even without the gender issue but with it itjust complicates it that much more .....

Sorry for booting tht twice.

There are some educated bigots around (the Conservative party springs to mind)

ok open question..would any of prefer intimacy or their first intimacey with a fellow T or with a genetic male???[or gentic female]

(=-Allison (Wpg)
doc, as far as men attracted to the femine qualities of a pre-op, in a relationship, they are going to be faced with the stark reality of the male quantity thought.

Annie one can argue those are abberations

Some men (boys)think that we are homosexual, that dont get to the bottom of transgenderism.

(=-doc gary
M&J; also found that >95% of men that have sexual relations with a TS, when asked if they consider themselves straight, gay or bi all see and consider themselves straight

Hmm mm good question Randi .... can not answer that one ...

Annie thats my oldest brother your talking aboutand he is a very educated bigot and it gets damn infuriating ....

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Randi, when post-op, I would prefer it to be with a GM. Until that time, they don't get near me !!!!

But even the best graduates around seem to go into brain-dead mode when they start a family. I'm not against families in general, but it just seems that people's priorites change when children and spouses are involved. Selfishness within the family and not outside seems to be very common, and this can extend to tolerance, or lack of it, too.

Arwen that is key hon

(=-doc gary
allsion those men realize also that there are male qualities as well.

Mine was at first with a fellow sister who was pre-operative. I felt more comfortable in this knowing what i was going to expect when the big day came. It made my first time a little easier psychologically.

My first sexual relationship will , I hope be with a GM. Could be someone I already know, which would be nice.

(=-doc gary
very true annie good point

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Annie, a lot of Gm and GG's feel that as soon as married, they no longer have to work at anything, including the relationship or outside interests, just slide along the path to divorce.

Annie very good point....Allison, if the SRS were in my future...I would rather do so with a fellow T.......and this is assuming I was still single

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Randi, "assuming you were still single" ?? LOL Now were getting into morals LOLOL

it is a tough decision, I dont think that there is a wrong answer. However, the truth about your gender if s-x is on your mind.

(=-doc gary
i thought that you were fighting to be accept as a women so why would you stay within the T community if what your fighting for is to be accepted in the so called regular comm

Well ladies, thanks for the chatting. Hope to see you all very soon. Goodnight.

why are we so afraid to be with other TGs??

Allison that is very is rare that the spouses will work hard on the relationship and other things associated with it if they know that they have roped someone in

Who was that directed to doc gary?

True Doc. I find it very hard to be around other TSs. I just feel very self-concious and a bit frightened. It's OK here because it's not PHYSICAL, but even I find the whole issue of TS-ism a little odd, and I'm one myself!!!.... *sigh*

Thats another thing thats been on my mind what if after I get the plumbing installed correctly I may be heterosexual and even if not I'm sure I will want to try everything out at least once with a GM just to see...

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Kaya, I'm not afraid to be with anothe TG, I was just wondering if it is an "easy" way out of having to face the non-gender crowd. (their numbers seem to be dwindling thought ) LOL

well you know what that relationship right now is very important.....

(=-doc gary
pamela just to the general populist

Evening Kaya

I can't believe you have trouble being around other TSs

Randi....think I'd only be interested in t's and GG's, just an individual thing, tho.

but I got your point Allison **HUGGGSS**

Hi Randi, excuse me for butting in..

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Arwen, don't young boys and girls going through puberty, at least try on both sexes to some degree, remember playing Dr. with your friends sister?? I think it's the same for us, as we grow and mature as women, we want to try all flavors of ice cream.

(=-doc gary
malana if TS is genetic male why ok with a TS and GG but not a GM?

Understood Malana....

Kaya, When I am, the conversation is almost exclusively TS... surgery, make-up, hair, clothes, etc... I find that a bit intimidating

Doc, just not attracted to the male notwithstanding.

(=-Gayle (Minnesota)
Be right back Daugther hurt her slef HUGS all

Kaya no problem hon...welcome to the room

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Annie, I find it the exact opposite, trying to remove the fluff and get to the issues that are important.

Annie, why intimidating? Life too short to be closeted or apprehensive to "family" members.

thanks Randi, that makes one of us *giggle*

(=-doc gary
malana ok understand

Take care Gayle

I guess I'm just too boring!! I'd rather be round at a friend's house talking about the telly, or decorating or something like that... I'm not a very "typical" TS... very square!!

**HUGGGGGSSSS*** Malana!!

Hi Ladies

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Well I know what I'm looking for in a relationship with a man, good looking, kind to animals, wealthy, muscualr, good sense of humor, and someone who will feed me ice cream in bed everyday for the rest of my life.

Annie I sort of understand that ,I belong to a wonderful support group and they have been there for me and vice versa but I also find noone is more critical with us than other T's .... and tend to get rather catty with each other about them ....

Even TSs are complex and varied. I think when you start visualizing people one way you lose out on many potential friendships.

hehe good one Allison... For me he has to have a wacky sense of humour like me, be into computers, love cats, at LEAST 6' tall... and loving... (Small shopping list)

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Annie, "typical TS", now there's a contradiction in terms LOL I used to worry about not being like the OTHER girls, now I just do my own thing for the most part.

and w' that I shall borrow Randi's wand and go visit the sandman....HUGS to all n poof

Annie honey it is ok....besides many of us have similar interests like those you mentioned.......sometimes the Tissues tend to predominate because some do not have many other places to go

Not bad Allison, when you find him will you share.. **grin**

ok Malana **HUGGGSS**** Annie we love you because you are you!!!!

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Rosie, sure I'll share, as long as I get to sleep in the middle. Solves any question about relationships and gender that way!! LOLOL

Kaya, I'm not without experience... as I said last week in the support group discussion, there is lot of wannabe feelings and hero worship that goes on, and as I said.... for many it's the only time a lot of people can talk about it. I don't really need to, and that's why I find it a bit uncomfortable

Hiya Rosie {{hugs}}

Evening Rosie

I hear ya.

(=-doc gary
is also soem of what you feel annie just really wanting to move on a asimalte in to the so called general population

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Annie, I know what you mean about wannabe's and hero's. I find myself thinking as a wannabe at times, and look up to the post-ops. Dumb, but true.

I talk here for a while because it's not so 1-2-1, but it's the only time of the week I talk about these things

Ladies, why do we of all people have to type cast others?? I would think we would be more accepting of anothers feeling and desires, and just love others as our selves... I know I came in late...sorry...

**HUGGGSS*** Annie!!!!

I don't think that assimilation is a smart move though..

(=-Kimberly (CT)
Allison, can you find me a woman like that?

Rosie typing makes it easier for some to negotiate and navigate

DOC... I have been living fulltime for 7 years, so any integration hurdles were overcome long ago.

(=-doc gary
good point annie beacuse im sure you are looked at as a hero of some sort the person that completed actually went all the way


(=-Allison (Wpg)
Rosie, we typecast because among all else, we're still just flawed people, we are no different than anyone else, and as such, we're subject to the same failings.

Kaya... I don't agree. It works for me and it's what I've worked for....

(=-doc gary
kaya why not assimilation

hero worship acn also be somewhat stifiling....Rosie would you like to add anything?

DOc... that's the irony... I may have acheived the lifestyle and the integration, but I'm only getting the SRS in July!!

assimilation for what reason?

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Annie, 7 years fulltime, no wonder you don't need the issue talk, how about a book on tips and hints, I know I could use a HOW-TO manuel at times. LOL

Annie congrats!!!!!

(=-doc gary
kaya is not what a lot of the TS community fights for is being accepted? So by not assimilating don't you therefore keep your self segregated from the rest of society. So therefore why wouldn't the rest of society look at you differently

annie, I should think you have just as much to say and think as any one, and i personally welcome anything you have to say with an open mind and heart....

allison, looking up to the post-ops??? I do not understand that..Why, when you are on equal ground with the rest of the world, would you look up to anyone??? Advice, support I can understand!!

Annie everything else will come in time

well that is the reason why this place exists

(=-doc gary
i agree with rosie in a perfect society everyone would believe they were on equal ground but in reality that's not true

Allison... It's been interesting! The people I've seen who are "out" are forever treated as TS as a breed apart... neither men nor women, by society in general.. Sad, but true. I'm not about to put myself in that position when I'm doing just fine as I am.

to wish to assimilate is to be in a powerless position of measuring your own self-worth through the eyes of others. i tell people on the spot that I was once a man. I feel no need to hide. And it is liberating. Otherwise, you're still in the closet. It might be a prettier one, but it's still a closet.

(=-Allison (Wpg
The hero worshipe part is understandable. When you hope, dream and desire for so long, when you put up with the feelings and despair before accepting yourself, and then look forward to the day of surgery, put up with the pain of being zapped repeatedly, the hurt of being turned away by friends and family, It's easy to respect someone whos past is now your future and put them on a pedestal.

because of the fact that this is unconditional support

Annie I am proud of you.....because any person should not be judged on labels or rendered outsiders because of same

(=-Kimberly (BORG)
(Assimulation?) Resistence is futile, you will be Assimulated.

that is done in our society with race and religion as it is

(=-doc gary
i agree Randi !!

annie, I should think you have just as much to say and think as any one, and i personally welcome anything you have to say with an open mind and heart....

allison, looking up to the post-ops??? I do not understand that..Why, when you are on equal ground with the rest of the world, would you look up to anyone??? Advice, support I can understand!!


Kaya... that is your way of dealing wth it. I wanted to be a girl when I was a child, not a TS, which is what you become, forever, upon disclosure.


(=-Kimberly (BORG)
Ack! Speeling is off again.

I don't like support groups, as I said, but I'll gladly answer any questions anyone has on the Net....

(=-doc gary
interesting point Annie

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Excellent point Annie, I want to be a woman, not a transsexual. *files that little tidbit away for future reference*

If only life was like a television show... If you really want to assimilate you would throw your pantyhose away and put on a three-piece suit and cut your hair and get my drift.

(=-doc gary
kim cyperBORG overload!!!!

Annie sad to say too many people think like that

Annie we are on the same plane there

(=-Allison (Wpg)
All I know is that at this point, I feel the need to be with other TS's, it's a learning thing, and someone to get me push started on my bike with training wheels. After I'm more confident, I don't know if I'll have the same needs for the group thing.

(=-Kimberly (CT)
I will do no such thing, the world around me knows me as a hermaphrodite, I therefore make my own rules to what I do with my clothes and hair, and actually pantyhose are not my thing, leggins are.

(=-doc gary
Kaya i disagree by assimilation i mean either being man or women i don't care about your plumbing But by for lack of better words being a TS well that's a 3rd speices than>

Annie, Allison... well I am no different. I wish I was full blooded XX chromasomed female. But, in truth, I am not. Do not delude yourself. We can all live our lives the way we want to, but you can't change what has already been.

Annie **HUGGGSS***

Doc Gary, maybe it's time to make a third party...

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Kaya, we can't change what has already been, so why spend the energy worrying about it. I know what I am, I'm a female with male attributes. No delusion there.

Kaya... How I look is immaterial. I wear jeans most of the time, Not a heck of a lot of make up. I'm not aiming for any ideal woman image. I am who I am, and that is how I am accepted by society. Why should I betray their impression of me by throwing TS-ism into the melting pot? I think that Transsexual Menace and other pressure groups do nothing for the "cause"... we want understanding, not in-your-face stuff.. that'll just turn the general public away... We need them on our side...

Kaya sometimes circumstances in a relationship cause persons to wish thier backgrounds were different

(=-doc gary
kaya i disagree again XX or XY that only determines your anatomical structure gender is something totally different

Allison, nothing wrong with groups, but hon a push start?? I think you need to push the bike, then ask for one pushed me...and I do not believe any one has been pushed?????? **smiles***

Annie the first support group I was with was like that but I found another one that is kinda nice in that they have been very good about confidentiality and in that they or more of social gatherings than anything else just kind of a time to vent and laugh about things that a lot of people other than T's would not understand ....

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Annie, here, here *clap, clap* exactly right, while the Transsexual Menace is doing what it feels is the right thing, even the name is enough to put the public on guard.

Annie when you first appeared here I did not see a T but a GG

Allison, well to the world I am female. But to myself I am neither. Not one or the other. I want to be perceived as female, which I am. But if someone disagrees with that, I'm not going to tell them they are wrong.

(=-doc gary
well then kaya yes TS could be a thrid party and i guess that would be a person that says they feel like a women but still would want to keep there male attributes.

(=-Allison (Wpg)
by getting a push start i only mean to get out in public and start living a "normal" life.

Kaya... I changed early due to an existing hormonal condition, and long-standing gender dysphoria. I am not deluded; I am finally who I was meant to be. The final SRS will allow various other things to become available to me.

(=-Teri Leigh
I'm Back

Annie, we are getting them on our side,,, the groups, the web, the outreach programs all positive effort.... we as a community ARE moving forward...

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Kaya, there are lots of good arguments around for that. Just because of being born with male body parts does not mean you are a male, or ever have been. Same goes for having female body parts, it doesn't make you a woman.

Rosie still there?

Thanks Randi :)
Well Kaya... there's a lot of TS's who feel the opposite; that they are women that the world regards as niether man nor woman.

Yeah Rosie... even the last 2 years have seen great advances, especially in the UK... We're quite close to legal acceptance.

well thjat is another a relationship it is not so much the body parts.....but the mind and heart

as far as public acceptance, who is better off. the ts who looks like christy turlington but is so worried if the general public reads her, or the 6'8" adonis ts who doesn't give a flying **** about society's judgement?

by the by all...when we meet someone or have met someone were we attracted by their looks or their minds???

(=-Allison (Wpg)
I don't know, who's Christy Turlington. LOL

(=-doc gary
kaya i think they both are equally off if they truly believe they are a female who was unfortunate enough to get male plumbing

interesting question Kaya

Allison ...LOL

(=-doc gary
i agree randi two main attracting factors looks and the mind

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Randi, I think in general, when we first see a person, we are attracted to their physical appearance, it's only once we get to know the person mind that we decide if the relationship has promise or not.

Allison, I believe tags are given by the general public, I do not believe we should use them here or in reference to each other... if we stop, so will society....


ok. ok. Hey, I've had GD for as long as anyone. And I'll bet I feel the same way as you. Am I a man, no. Am I a woman, how could you tell? I know I should have been born such. How can you know how it is to be black when you're white?

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Rosie, I have no problem with the tags, or the labels, I'm a TRANSSEXUAL, I'm neither ashamed nor proud of that, just like I'm neither ashamed nor proud of my hair color, it's just something that is.

(=-Teri Leigh
Randi, I have a disabled mind and an unattractive body. But I have a good heart. Very warm, loving and passionate. I am attracted to another's heart.

ok has anyone here met someone after a long correspondence either through mail or phone and was that person as you expected?

But it's amazing how attractive a guy looks physically if he has wit and intelligence!!

(=-doc gary

Hmmmmm Kaya good point hon!! Welcome back Teri!!

Randi, I believe it is looks that first attracts, then the mind better stand up, cause looks fades fast....

Kaya, both should be accepted equally, as it is not the dress that should be juged, but the person...

(=-Allison (Wpg)
I haven't met a GG that I chat with on Powwow all the time, not yet anyways, but we talk so much, and about so many different things, I really think I know her better than if we lived closer to each other. Sometimes, with the net, you can express your feelings better and more openly than you can in person.

(=-Teri Leigh
Oh, yes, Randi. I had a phone relationship with a GG for secen years before I met her in person. There were absolutely no surprizes.

True Annie....that goes for females as well

Incidentally, I believe the term transsexual describes the process, not the condition. You start off a man or woman and finish up the other. I wouldn't use term post-SRS. I may HAVE BEEN a TS by then

there was a lot of 'should's' in that statement.

I have randi, and NO, then again and sort of yes??

(=-doc gary
Yes randi, i that person was what i expected. actually was probably easier because was less inhibited to let eachother know who we really were because it was not face to face for so long

Teri I am happy for you

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Annie, I really like you spin on things, good point. So basically, after surgery, you're not post-op, your "just" a woman :)

BBIAB ....

hmmmm could you go a little further Doc?

Yeah, Allison... A woman with a gynaecological problem.. (no child-bearing)... where's the difference?

ok Arwen!!!!

are you honest Allison??? Is she???

interesting Annie

So. Let me put out this scenario. A guy you're dating for over a month starts to get pretty serious and starts asking questions about your childhood.....what do you do, tell the truth, or a lie.

(=-doc gary
well randi found it was much easier to express feelings when not face to face, were much more uninhibited about sexual feelings, emotional feelings etc maybe because you think well i never really going to meet this person so your willing to risk more. Than you actually decide to meet and you really do know more about that person than some of your other friends

same here

Tell the truth, but there's no reason why you can't substitute feminine pronouns instead of male ones. Unless you had a very boyish childhood... where's the problem?

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Rosie, yes, I'm honest to myself. You can try and fool the world, but it won't work for very long. Besides being honest is just believing in something.

tell the truth Kaya, always...........ALWAYS.......Truth prevails above all else...lies gets us into trouble and usually fast..............

(=-Teri Leigh
My Long distance relationship ended two years ago because her husband did not approve. *grin*

We most often dealt with my TS successfully. She was bi. I think that my being TS was part of what attracted her to me. I had told her on our first private phone conversation. And, no, this was not 1-900 or anything like that. She was separated from her husband when we met, but went back to him but we could not end our relationship. But as those things enevitably work ended with her having to let me go.

So, it's a lie you're going to tell. Any pictures to back up your substitutions?

Kaya...could I suggest the truth with maybe a disclaimer about 'well in another life....'

(=-Allison (Wpg)
In a casual relatinship, changing the pronouns is okay, but anything more serious and you owe it to the person to come clean.

Doc, has not the temptation to stretch the truth ever come over you???? and what about the other person????

nope I don't I do tell others about what my prior life was...even my fiance knows details that I have not shared with many honest but use discretion

Yeah... my mum keeps them. (Fair reason!).. You don't understand, Kaya.... I will go to whatever lengths I have to ensure my life goes the way it right now.... I did not have a boyish childhood.... There were no rugby matches, football games, gangs, etc. I don't have much to "invent".

(=-doc gary
rosie well i'm gm so nothing to hide my other person actually we are very good friends now keep in touch on a weekly basis.

(=-Allison (Wpg)
There's a difference between private and secret. If it has no bearing on the other person, then it's private to you, if it will affect the other person, then your keeping a secret. I'm not about to walk into the local store and proclaim "I used to be a male", but even a close friendship deserves the truth.

Case in point...I tell people about my background but then I also punctuate it with 'I had a beard then, etc.....'

Doc, has not the temptation to stretch the truth ever come over you???? and what about the other person????

Incidentally... If a relationship was going to develop, I would definately have to tell. How, I don't know

well that is in close friendships

(=-Teri Leigh
I think that there are a lot of shoulds being tossed around here. They seem to be implied even if they are not openly said. I think that we would do better to respect each others values without judgement.

(=-doc gary
now rosie about other issues sure i stretch the truth do it all the time when i have patients dying you let then know there dying but you still give then some hope b/c really god only knows whoo shall live and die even though i have agood idea most the time

Annie this person will understand

Neither do I. Any high school pictures? Baby pictures? My boyfriend and I have been together for 15 years, since we were in the 6th grade. He knows EVERYTHING about me. How can you go through life harboring something so large?

(=-Allison (Wpg)
How would we feel, if for example a male friend of ours finally came up said, "I used to be a female", I mean, that's fine and all, but wouldn't you feel hurt that they didn't trust you enough before to tell you.

(=-doc gary
well getting paged got to run as always thank you for the informative conversation take care all

Doc understood but how about when you know that you will be with that eprson for a long time

Kaya, pictures can be deceiving....I know a guy that can take a picture of a dog and come out with Marilyn???

(=-Allison (Wpg) G
ee, I think there are about a dozen pictures of me in the world, I hate cameras!!!

ok Doc later!!

What you're all talking about is morals and guilt of withholding information. I really don't care!!! I come first. I'm going to have to stop this soon, because I'm getting miffed.

Hello everyone

Wow...closets are for clothes!

(=-Allison (Wpg)
It would be self-defeating to not tell someone who your close to, If you don't tell them, somebody else sure as heck will do it for you.

(=-Kimberly (CT)
Yawn! Oops! I have to get to sleep folks, I've exceeded bed time again, good nyght all!

(=-Teri Leigh
Basically, I tell someone about myself when I decide that I want them for a friend as opposed to simple aquaintance. There are a few who are SO close to me that I have refrained from telling so far purely out of wanting to choose the right time (Person to person, atmosphere, etc).

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Goodnight Kimberly, gee you sure look wide awake in you photo LOL

there are many pics of me pre and in transition....those who are close to me do not even bring those up

(=-Allison (Wpg)
I think that for the most part, we meet new people through our current circle of friends, that being true, if one knows, everyone else will also.

Annie I am sorry please do not go..I hope I did not say anything that was offensive

There are very few people who knew me before. Where I live now, there is no-one who does know. It's going to stay that way for as long as it can.


Annie I understand and wish I had the looks and had started this much younger and I would do the same , but I'm 32 and I don't think I could fabricate all those years to someone in a long term relationship but if I could I know I would .....

Allison I know many people that don't know of Gayle and may never

Agreed Annie

I'm not offended, Randi, I'm just tired of getting the old "Telling a lie" and "you'll be exposed soon!" stuff... I get that elsewhere. I've gone this long (7 years) without hassle.


(=-Allison (Wpg)
Gayle, I want desperatly for people to know Allison, and forget about Bruce.

(=-Teri Leigh
re Hi, Gayle.

You and me both, Annie. People seem to be very judgemental here tonight. I have my own morals and values that are not open to anyone elses evaluation. Anyone who decides that they can judge another can damn well live in their own prison of condemnation.

I'm still here

You see, that's just it , Arwen! It's not how you look, but how you feel. If you feel good about your inner self and your femininity you can face the world without fear with your transgenderedness!

Annie honey this will not happen at least from me.....I only know you as a woman who I have a lot in common cats!!

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Teri, what's this about being judgemental, just because not everyone agrees with everyone else doesn't mean they are judging people, this is what open and honest conversation is about, expressing OUR OWN views.

I think the point is - we all have to find the way that works for each of us. Criticising other's methods is not a good idea.

Annie you are loved here honey!!!!

People, just put your egos in check and listen. It's about being honest with yourself and the people around you.

true hon...that is counterproductive

Annie I never had a negitive experince coming out as Gayle....Allison I htink in time these people will know but On my terms not theirs

and I see you ALL as women..

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Well how about this, we'll get back to the subject matter, Relationships,... Let's talk about Bill and Hillary's relationship!! LOLOL

Sorry, Kaya, but that is rubbish! If you are out to the world, you are forever a TS, TG or whatever. Fact. I DID NOT go through what I have to be thoug of as anything else but a normal woman.

**HUGGGSS*** Annie

Kaya my looks don't bother me , and I do pass easily due mainly to my voice .. The problem isthanks to geraldo and the like if you don't fall between all the normal parameters of height and weight a lot of people now label you TS ... My cousin a GG who is 6' gets asked all the time if she is a T ...

Annie, I agree with you hon,,, You are you and no one needs to know anything different... I am proud to say I know many girls like you and I respect and keep their trust, by not saying a thing.... but the girls here are not where you are at... we all pray to be there some day.....I find it hard to believe that anyone here wishes you anything but the best..

(=-Teri Leigh
But, Allison, taking a viewpoint of someone elses decisions IS being judgemental.

Well, in that case, are you a normal woman?

Annie for reasons having to do ID and the fact that I was in media I was very much 'out' but for the most part here I a very accepted as female

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Teri I stongly disagree with that, talking and kicking around a few different viewpoints is hardly being judgemental. If it is, then we would do better to all keep quiet because as soon as anyone expresses a viewpoint, they will be judging someone somewhere on something.

To all others, my personality, appearance and manner is that of a normal woman. To the public, that is all that matters... what is under my clothes is MY business.

I was asking you, personally, in your head and heart of hearts, are you a normal, and I stress the normal part, a normal woman?

Annie is a woman!!!

and don't you forget it

I agree Annie....I meet and talk to people as people, without regards to gender, color, or anything else... I expect to be treated the same way....

I have no doubt of your womanhood. I'm talking about the normal part, are WE normal? Is abnormality that bad??

(=-Allison (Wpg
Kaya, I can't answer that until I get a really good definition of "normal"

Kaya, what is a women, whi set the standards???? find me one and I will find an oppsite...Society hon, has set the standards......we here should not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kaya, I'm tired of this, OK? I've made my point. I regard myslef as a hell of lot more normal than a lot of people I know!! I require some physical surgery, but then doesn't a person who has had an accident or an illness? I regard my condition the same way. Corrective surgery. (I had a hormone condition which gave me small breasts, no voice break, and no body hair, so if you like, I was already part-way there!!!)

What the heck does 'normal' mean, anyway, thats a VERY loaded question!

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Rosie, aren't we here society, or at least part of it, and we help set the standards, whatever they may be.

Hello all, randi, kaya, rosie, and annie. I dont want to interupt you conversation, has anyone heard from michelle in maryland. I am concerned about how she is doing.

Woman, Ladies is what you believe, what you put forth to the world, what is in your heart.... NOT WHAT SOCIETY TAGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Society has done a lousy job

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Normal...isn't that a group protesting the dope laws??

Stop beating around the bush. Ok, normal: the non-deviation of a rule (male-femal)

Yes Rosie, but currently if you like society, and want to be a proper part of it, keeping quiet is advisable. If you want to some kind of rebel, fine.. that isn't for me....

Hi Heather....No word from Michelle Jeff

Hiya Rosie ! How's your weekend been going?

(=-Teri Leigh
I respect your right to disagree, Allison. And I would never want you or anyone here to be quiet. Perhaps I was a bit strong by saying that people here are being judgemental. But I feel an undercurrent of it. My perceptions are not perfect nor do I claim them to be. I have heard an awful lot of critisism here this evening on how to do things. I submit that NOBODY has that answer.

If there is anyone here who knows how to live the life of a CD or TS, let her speak up now! (I already have my rotten tomato in hand).

and nobody lives in a vacuum.

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Okay Kaya, non-deviation of who's rule, you show me a single rule that applies to more than 50% of the population, and I'll consider that a "normal" rule

not for me either

now now no violence here

and society doesn't like you, gays, asians or blacks. It's counterproductive to sleep with the one who hurts you most.

Allison, yes hon, we are a part of society, but not to set standards or tags... we here in this community should be working together to break the rules that society has set...We need to love each other, we need to support each other, we need to live together in a mixed community and respect everyone's life as it is theirs, and live our lives as it is ours..... God will back us all, we really need to work together and not judge each other......

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Teri, I feel the undercurrent as I'm sure everyone else does also, but that's unfortuante, I haven't heard any critisisms, just differing viewpoints. If we all agreed on anything, the subject would be short lived. LOL

I'm not saying one has to do anything. I'm just saying one has to know the score.

let's be civil

Hello Heather

Normal rules don't apply - society hasn't been normal for years - To be part of society is have friends, go to parties, join clubs, make relationships, go out on the town. If you want to do that and people to turn around and say "there's the TS"... fine... I don't want that attention. If any heads turn it's for good reasons, not morbid curiosity.

Teri ... I do !!

A small interjection. Society has always disowned any new being that is introduced into society. When america was being structure through the Louisiana Purchase and so on, many different nationalities labored to make this country what it is today. When the chinese arrived, everybody hated chinese. Well. a year later, the irish show up and the chinese are fine, and the irish are out. Well, next year comes along and its the spanish that show up. Well the irish are ok and the spanish are scum of the earth. I pretty sure that if you had another race or gender pop up( lets say all american grow 4 ears) that they would be alienated until the next race showed up. The different or non mainstream gender is always pushed aside, it is in our history, i think it is lousy.

as far as rebellion, hell yes I'm a rebel. I fight for the rights of transgendereded people not to be fired from their job or kikced out of their apartment. I fight for your right to exist in this society.

KAya...understood but we are talking about people

Kaya, after 7 years I know the score just fine. My way works. I don't say it's best for everyone, but for some it's exactly what we need.

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Rosie, just because were TS doesn't mean we are above such things as standards or labels does it. If I see a 17 year old punk walking down the street with spiked green hair and a chain going from earlobe to nostril, I'm not going to give him the time of day. He might be the nicest kid in the world, but I'll never know.

(=-Teri Leigh
Ok, Randi. (calming down and putting down tomato) *Teri walks over to bar to pour herself a tall tonic and ice and cool off*

Annie, I never said to go out on the town and jump up and down... i said we as a community need to work together and not judge each other.....I respect what you are living Annie, and would never jepordise that... I am just not happy with the turmoil withing the community....TSTVT? sorry all crap.... we are ONE, and need to stay that way!!

Kaya, more tags.......sorry Tags will be gone before long then what????? what will we be then?????????????

I've been involved with a TV relationship for over a year. She does shows and private shows and tells me it's just for the money. I'm not stupid, and she says she loves me, but her night life is bothering me. What can I do ?

That's great Kaya. Maybe someday when society has caught up, I'll reveal myself, but as long as I'm liable to ridicule, I'll keep my own counsel

Annie i go to many parties as Gayle str8 gay of transgendered. Noone makes any comment to me or say theres TS.

Opinions that are based on gender or color of one skin are ignorant. As martin luther king said"Judge not a man by his color, yet on his character. ( in this room HER character) HUGS

interesting Jeff

(=-Teri Leigh
Liz, You would have to say something like that now, dear. *GRIN*

Anway.. it's 4am... and bed is calling...

there is just too many people in the world. we need labels for easy classification. I use transgendered to cover TS, TV, CD and whatnot. I can't get over the selfishness of me, me, me. I care only for me? Give me a break. We're one big family, sister.

Annie I agree....society has not really caught up....and that makes relationships somewhat difficult

It seems every time we get together for the bi yearly meetings at the Clinic this tends to be the topic ...I agree with Annie in that I want to be just me and notlabeled as the Transsexual when I go anywhere on the other hand I am very thankful that the activist have made the progress they have because it has made my life easier .. Another words we need to do what is right for us notfor anyone else ...

Annie honey check your email hon

(=-Teri Leigh
*Teri makes an aside to Randi* "Randi dear, do you plan on having another night like this soon?" *grin*

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Kaya, if changing your physical gender isn't selfish, I don't know what is.!!! LOLOL

and to live without fear is exhilirating!

Look in your history books. America(1870-1900) every new nationality arriving here in america was taken advantage of . Why, due to ignorance of men. What would we do if aliens from another star system would show up peacefully, our feeble attitude would reject them. Who knows, these new people could have answers to our problems, cancer, leukemia, death.

(=-Teri Leigh
Good night, Annie dear...{{{HUG}}}

what you want and what is are two different things..

**HUGGGSS*** To Annie

Teri ... Of course I would ... I love bieng the target ... esp. to get tempers defused .
But I do know how to live as a CD ... One Day at a Time !!! (no refernce to the TV show)

I didn't get into my background at my last job. I was management, and my boss knew who I used to be - he hired me for my skills, not for anything else. I never talked about it at work, but the rumour mill knew - a friend told me the rumour was "The new girl in operations used to be a guy...". One of our clients was a place I had worked at in my porevious life - they got the name wrong at first, but got used to me being Heather and saying she, and I didn't have to yell or club them over the head or anything, they just got used to it and how I carried myself.

Night folks... sorry things got sidetracked, but I didn't start the arguement.

Hopefully soon hon...

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Jeff, with the current mentality, we'd shoot them out of the sky, rip them open, and see what makes them tick. The guy types are ALWAYS taking something apart!!!

why allison, is he any different than an ugly guy like me walking down the street, asking for the time????? i would happily give him the time, I may not go to bed with him, but being nice to another human being is not a chore, It is a privlidge, and I shall accept it as that... I try to be kind to all......DO UNTO OTHERS AS YE WOULD HAVE OTHERS DO UNTO YOU.....

Thank you Jeff, I am not much of a historian, but great seniero...thanks love....

sorry heather,,, rosie and her damn ole soap box... hi love..

tg/ts are that new gender showing up in america. tgISM ALL new to american society as being Different. It stinks, and is due to ignorance of those around you in society. I guess it is in our nature to be hateful.

Now Teri be nice LOL it's been interseting HOn

(=-Teri Leigh
Ok, Liz, but no chickening out on this one and going back into lurk mode. *grin*

That is ok...all do we wnat to continue the discussion re; relationships tonight....or shall we table the room?

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Goodnight Anne, I don't see it as an arguement. **hugs**

Becuase the issues re: society and how it views us are for another time....

we can continue this in the other room

Was I totally off base here?? I want to know.

*gives best Alfred E. Nueman look* What ... me Lurk ?!?! *grin*

Hey, easy, Im a guy and study anatomy. I would much rather learn from a being from outer space about medical tech rather than spliting him apart. I think he would zap me with that ray gun first b4 i got the chance.



TSism isn't new, there have been two spirit people for too many years to detail, our kind goes way way back ...

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Rosie, I think you might of misunderstoon my point. I wouldn't have anything to do with him, and it's because of my past experiences. It may be right, it may be wrong, but I am entitled to pick and choose my relationships based on MY values. This has nothing to do with physical characteristics, it has to do with the punk attitude.

Annie, I really understand where you are and bless where you are going...May god be at your side every minute of every day....and don't take no shit from anyone...HUGGS AND LOTS OF KISSES>>>>>

(=-Teri Leigh

BTW, Has anyone talked about LOVE, tonight?

Isn't THAT a part of a relationship?

Well have to go pick up Daugther at the hospital be back Later HUGS all

Yes, but now that society is on the swing of final acceptance recently, that is what i am getting at heather.

(=-Teri Leigh
Bye, Gayle...{{{HUG}}}

Listen, I don't want to hurt anyone, but there are questions that must be, at least, attempted to answer.

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Teri, *looks around sheepishly* Good point. *grin*

is that ok?

(=-Allison (Wpg)
That's great with me Randi!!

Education is the important factor here, I knew nothing about tgism until i watched a show on tv and found this room. I had no opinion about tgism, but have found you to be all very caring, passionate members of society.

Yes we did in a sense Teri!

(=-Teri Leigh
Does one "fall in love" or "choose" a person to love?

Teri, We do both I think, sometimes we just fall in love, other times we have to work on it.

because that is important as well


Teri you fall in love , but you choose to stay in love and thats the hard part .....

Jeff, it may be natural to be hateful, but here in this community the need for love is stronger than any where else.. we should all work for a common goal, and elimate the tags, that yes even we do; sorry to say... The community is fighting to make our message heard, and soon it will be, thanks to many sites like this and many other groups.. yes, we will be heard,,,,, and accepted as who we are.....PEOPLE!!!!!!

Kaya, I think you did fine hon,,, you brought up some interesting points.......

sorry to all if I took off....

heather is right..the native americans even held (albiet low) a place for tgs in their society

(=-Allison (Wpg)
The thing is, we're not children here, we know the relationship score and how it works, or doesn't work. Is Love a requirement still, or will great compaionship suffice for now??

Love or the search for same is at the root

Question Kaya, I will sure try to answer... I shall never run....

(=-Teri Leigh
I "fall" in love. It's like a thunderbolt. I go head over heels. And always with the wrong person. They usually don't feel the same way about me and I go through excrutiating pain. Then there are girls who show interest in me, but, not being in love with them, I just treat them as friends. I really wouldn't know how to be different. I am a person of the heart. I am not very practical at all.

companionship and understanding can and does lead to love

we all need love....

Thanks, Rosie. It's just I see so many distraught gay/TG teenagers in my area and it makes me mad that they try to conform so urgently. I want to prevent that from happening to the younger TGs today.

that is what things are all about..

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Randi, my ex and I love each other, no question there, even if we have split up for other reasons. But I know that one of her relationships was the "BIG" one in her life, and she knows of my "BIG" love of my life. So did we settle on just being comfortable with each other, and if we did , isn't that kind of sad.?

Kaya....a lot of that starts with the parents

you mean settling for second so to speak?

There are a number of approaches to TSs - my last roomie is a well known activist for our community, she is extreme ly out. I prefer to be more discrete in who I let know about my differences and experiences. I don't see a need to let everyone I encounter know that much about me. Its not essential for them to know.

(=-Allison (Wpg)
yes, that's a good way of putting it, do we sometimes settle for second best??

Kaya, I share that desire, and hon I believe this site along with many others is deciated to solve those problems.. I wish I could help each and evry person in need.... but my house is only 2200 sq ft.... **grin**......We can help by being supportive... direct the kids to with HRT,,, what ever. we must first make society aware that we are here, and here to stay and we are real....we will then get the aid that is needed......

(=-Teri Leigh
Yes, Arwen, unfortunately, I have never gotten that have a love to work on with another. I believe that that is a statement of myself...not the other person.

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Rosie, good point, we have to show people that we are sincere about our situation.

I would have done that but for social the risk of saying something very racist...the black community has less of a tolerance overall of us as it stands unless we are entertainers

however Kaya at what price are we activists...and noticing the leadership.....who is it really being done for?

Yes! That why it's sad when one of US looks out only for herself and screw the rest. I've seen it with many TSs!!

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Randi, do you think the same goes for other races also, The East Indians, Asians, etc. Do they tolerate TG's less.

You know that opens a can of worms

Allison, it is being shown on a daily basis.... we have millions hit the tg sites every day,,, and many of those are straight.....we all have family that is spreading the word, we all have friends that help... tons of groups out there that every day work within their own communities....pride week... much positive action, that we all should support..

again the damn soap box.... Randi,,,why not take that thing away from me?????

Randi, we TGs are all activists by our own existence. We are a statement to society and their puritanical views on sexuality and identity. Two very powerful things.

Allison from what I know the Asians are more liberal....east Indians are less so

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Randi, what I meant is do the other races tolerate TG's within their own race less.

(=-Teri Leigh
I think that the key operating word here is culture, not race.

Ok Kaya...but you did get the point about the the by Allison....that is one of the reasons why I am and have been rather well careful with my associations and friendships over the years

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Rosie, I'll give you that. The one friend who I've come out to has spoken now of the issue with many people, (maybe just to get his own perspective) about it. So with just coming out to one person, I've cause a number of them to at least think about it for a few minutes.

Kaya, maybe a TS here or a TS there, but hon the community far out weighs the purpose of a TS.....

Randi, My experiences have been reversed... here in Nashville and other cities I have visited, I have been accepted by the black gay people.?????

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Teri, much better phrase, just that i have really lousy spelling LOLOL

agreed Teri culture then....however...the in group associations can be used to define behaviors outside of those groups

(=-Teri Leigh

Do you mean the leadership of TG-type organizations?

(=-Randi and I are from different places there hon

the purpose of a TS?? what's that?

(=-Allison (Wpg)
TG's in general may be making a small amout of headway, but look at the gays/lesbians, they have been outspoken for decades now, and how far have they really gotten to having true acceptance by society?

Yes Kaya

it depends..

(=-Teri Leigh
Can we define an Alternative Lifestyle Culture or is that too general?

And as each of us comes out to just one person Allison, our fight gets that much stronger.....I work with girls every day, not to get them out, but to let them know they can come out and do it without fear...... this site was built on that presumption....WE ALL HAVE A RIGHT TO LIVE AND DO IT AS WE PLEASE.....TG GUIDE will always be here for those girls that need help to help our community.....

sorry for the AD

Ive enjoyed the talk tonight but 4:30 is getting here really soon G-night AlL {{{hugs}}}

Well, I can tell you that I'm trying to get a TG chapter started here in Sacramento with the Lambda Community Center (Gay/Lesbian organization) otherwise there isn't anything here close of S.F.

(=-Allison (Wpg)
The problem with the phrase Alt. lifestyle is it is generally refering to sexual orientation. At least thats how I see it.

(=-Teri Leigh
Good night, Arwen dear...{{{HUG}}}

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Kaya, quiet often, TG's are associated with the Alt lifestyle movement, Lot's of TV bars are the same as the gay bars, I personally don't identify with the gay community.

Kaya that discussion is for another room session...I will say this...look at the current leadership and look at the boardrooms of the Fortune you see any diffference? Why is it that in the forums the [pardon the term] Anglo-types are and do express various points of view...yet the girls of color [re:black] are in there as the purient in sexually suggestive material? See the [I will not sy the name but TGF] last edition of them for what I meant

(=-Teri Leigh
In Minnesota TG are in general accepted into the gay/les culture. I have heard that that differs elsewhere.

Later Arwen...**HUGGGSS**

Bye Arwen, have a great week ..

True Teri


Hmm.. I don't know what you mean, but if it helps I'm a girl of color

By the by all...I think that maybe we have come to the end of the line so to speak

Allison, gays and lesbians have come a long ways, and our community has jumped on their coat tails,,,, we will be heard quicker because of them.....

sorry randi...I know we are in different areas....but, I have met black men in Det, Ind, DC, Atl.....I believe they are just people, and again I do not judge..........nice people actually **grin**

Tags Kaya???? I am sorry but I am still not into that, I consider myself equal to Randi, heather, or anyone...I dress as I please, go where I want (within reason) same as anyone else..... sorta....

interesting Kaya....if it is not too personal are you black like myself?

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Perhaps so Randi, it's unfortunate though. I get right into these types of discussions :) So much better than, "which pantyhose do you prefer", as if Hanes will make me more of a woman LOLOL

understood Rosie

say it loud!!!! :)

understood Allison

(=-Randi the risk of saying something.....there are not many of us out there

you know that as well as I

(=-Allison (Wpg)
Rosie, have gays really come all that far, if so, why are they still getting beaten and killed, why do we need laws to protect them, why do they have to have special bars to meet in. They are much more out in the open, but real social acceptance?? I'm not so sure.

All let's go to the other room and continue this.......

I know...but you got to say something, or you just die inside..

(=-Teri Leigh
Randi, you have been here non stop for 4 hours, dear. I am sure that you are very tired. But take a look at the last poem at the very end of my HP. Just page down till you get there (don't bother reading the whole page). I think that it will pick you up, dear. I was thinking of you and my younger sister, Debra, when I wrote it.

Allison, Kaya, teri, Heather......If it is all the same....we have reached closing time

Listen all, I got to go. I've been chatting on company time, and it's time for me to go home. Anyone is welcome to e-mail me. This was my first day here..

I will Teri...promise!!!!!!!!!!

(=-Allison (Wpg)
okay, off to the Kaffe Haus for me.

(=-Teri Leigh
Good night, Kaya dear...{{{HUG}}}

Thwere are palces for pantyhose discussions and places for these sorts -

Teri, we as a community are accepted throughout the nation as a comunity in the gay/les areas...

Allison, it is the gay/les community that is going to aid us in our fight for our rights.... we are all a community.....You nmay choose not to visit such an establishment, but hon, they are there to help us and donate mega bucks for our cause....

Good night, ladies...

see you next door!

Kaya...check your mail!!!! All with this wand I now close the room!!!!!!
