TG Web Archive

TGGuide TeaRoom Chat
Sun 01/19/97

Thanks to Theresa for editing this chat to archive format!



-=)-(eather=- >Good Evening Everyone!
Welcome to the Focussed Chats at TGGuide! I'm glad you're all here,
Now, let me turn things over our chat hostess - Randi

Randi Ok Heather....and thank you....Our subject tonight will be the basics of makeup. Makeup Basics means that we will be talking about preparation as well what helps to make the overall image as feminine as possible .....there are some rules for the chat and I will leave those details to Heather J.

-=)-(eather=- The basic chatroom rules are

Randi so who would like to start?? let's throw out a subject.... ..... what can one use to keep the makeup going for about 10-12 hours?

Barb I will!

Randi and that applies whether we are 24/7 or not

Randi ok Barb....please go ahead

Barb Sorry I was responding to your first statrement. I have no idea about what it is that you are talking about ( a product I mean )

Randi have the floor

Barb OK! Will give you my base line problem.

Randi not so much a product ...but what method ..... Sure Barb...

Barb I have red spider veins on my cheeks, not real bad but there. They run in my family - the girls usually have what is called a rose on one cheek. I have red as part of my face and pale as another. my neck is dark. I read about using a green tint under the foundation to cover this type of thing - ?true?. Can you mix crean/powder foundation/etc?

Randi sure can....the layers for each have to be thin of course...just wondering have you thought of using a concealer....creme or liquid ....because the right concealer can cover the veins

Barb Thats what I was talking about - using green tint under the foundation to cover the veins.

Barb How do I know what the right conceler is?

-=)-(eather=- There are a couple of approaches to concealing - one is to just use a thick foundation base to cover irregularities - this is ok for short term use, but looks heavy during the day and can cake. The other is to use complimentary colors to compensate for such things, so it balances your skintone under normal light. This winds up being a thinner coat of makeup and less likely to crack or cake

Randi just woondering if a color opposite of the green would cancel that out thak you Heather

-=)-(eather=- The right concealer is learned by experimenting. If you want to try shaded foundation, you could go to a theatrical makeup place and get some first-hand help matching colours.

Randi that is what I use to cancel out the beard line here and a coulple of lines below the neck

Barb Can you recomend any in the DC area?

Randi Heather you know the DC area better than I

-=)-(eather=- everyone experiments when they are learning their shades and best colours - the idea is to do it without going broke. Thats one reason I recommend fairly standard makeup brands like Coty, Revlon, Max Factor for most uses. special things such as beard cover techniques can require additional, less common brands, but try to keep most of your makeup inexpensive at first. Once you learn what sahes and colours flatter your face, then you can go to the more expensive brands if you like.

Barb Got Stiens out of the Guide just now - any others?

Sun, Jan 19, 8:30PM Hieee!!! Sorry, I'm late, girls.

Barb Ok - What is the best from of foundation - powder,cream, etc?

Randi If this were here in the Twin Cities....I would recommend Ultra3...which is a chain that has a wide range ..... Liquid works here

-=)-(eather=- I've used Stein's Theatricals in Arlington for quite a while - they usually have someone helpful at the makeup counter with a large assortment of samples you can work with. Once I knew what shades worked for me in concealers, I have gotten stage makeup at Barry's Magic in Wheaton. What I have found helpful for beard cover and correction work is Ben Nye Makeup. I use the Film & Tape Series, and they have an extensive variety of shades to match most skintones. I use regular makup foundation over that, but nearly always run a thin line of the Ben Nye along the jawline, under my chin on my neck, etc.

Barb Are there any pros or cons for each type - coverage, lasting time, ease of application?

Sun, Jan 19, 8:35PM I use stage white from a costume shop very, very lightly over my bears line and under my eyes for a concealer. I also have blotches on my neck. Are there better methods of dealing with this?

Randi it allows for several thin layers Sun, Jan 19, 8:36PM

Teri Leigh Sorry, That was me.

Randi here it is Revlon...they made a line of foundation for girls of color that is long lasting....

Barb Is Steins T friendly?

Randi but before that I use an Oil absorbing base from Mary Kay.....then a creme foundation from Stacy Thomas...the exact opposite shade of my natural skin tone

Barb Randi - You use 1.concealer, 2.base, and than

Randi that works very well


Teri Leigh My nose anf forhead are so oily that even Revlon Powder creme won't apply correctly. I wash very well. Is there any thing that I can do for it? Or a foundation that works with extremely oily skin?

Randi yes...Barb that works quite well......just for the record.......Oil absorbing lotion....concealer.....dark lipstick......dark foundation.....light liquid makeup......terra cotta loose powder

-=)-(eather=- Stein's has dealt with a lot of the Drag Queens downtown, as well as the occasional stage production involving drag - they were quite friendly to me in the old days when I went in as "Will' to buy makeup, pre-electrolysis

Sonia Hi all Teri Leigh Hi, Sonia!

8:45PM Randi Teri...any extra absorbing liquid will work there....the Mary Kay type....formula 3 will do the trick Hi Sonia ...and how are you ??

Sonia Is the first dark foundation the base? and you put you lipstick on before your foundation?

Sonia Boy did my last statement make sense. Just in for a bit. Interested in your discussion.

-=)-(eather=- Oily skin needs another prep - we should get into preparations now ... anyway, before you do any makeup, you shoudl wash your face with cold water. Pat dry with a towel. If you have oily skin, you should use an astringent like SeaBreeze or Nivea ( brand) to help remove some of the excess oils

Randi well the dark foundation is the base on top of the concealer...the red lipstick goes on top of the foundation.....I learned that when I was in media in Seattle......the red absorbs the light...and in that respect it makes for a smoother the case of the lipstick...the redder the better

Sonia I've been putting on orange-red lipstick first, then concealer.

Barb Ok - so base and foundation are the same product.

-=)-(eather=- so, you have a dark blue-black beard to conceal, Sonia?

Randi here we prep with oil of olay and different moisturizers

Barb I think I am confused - do you two mean you put the lipstick on you skin not lips at this stage?

Randi Barb in that sense they are....although they are labeled different

Sonia Very dark, main difficulty is acheiving a smooth finish. Can't do much about that since electro. is out of the question.

DARLENE Evening Ladies,I don't know a thing about makeup!

Randi that is right Barbara Darlene....welcome

Sonia Yes, Barb

Barb I guess you don't use much right? Use a ponge to spread it?

DARLENE Thank you Randi!

Randi the red lipstick goes on to absorb light and helps to make the overall finish

Sonia The red-orange lipstick...smooth on with finger actually.

Barb I guess my question now is - at this point in you makeup application sequence - how dark/apparent/seeable is the amount of lipstick?

DARLENE Randi,what are the basics I need to start using makeup and get a good outcome?

Randi gets applied in strokes....right from the stick not with a sponge.....

Teri Leigh Are you talking about lipstick on beard line?

Sonia Yes, is fairly red, I don't apply lightly

Randi it is apparent...but that is where the second level of foundation comes in...when the two are mixed...they create a dark red versiion of the foundation...and at this point is where the liquid makeup comes in

-=)-(eather=- I use a simple handlotion like Keri or Jergens's intensive care as a moisturizer, and let that be absorbed into my skin before I do any foundation or beard cover work. It helps soften and moisten my skin so I can spread the makup thinner and smoother.

Randi Yes Teri

Barb OK. I think I will wait on that trick for a little while. I have this feeling I would end up looking like Ronald McDonnel.

Teri Leigh And the lipstick in placed on top of the concealer?

Randi actually to hide the beard line yes it is teri....this is for light absorbtion.....allow me to the two pictures here the one on the left and will notice a difference in the face...the most recent pic has the lipstick as an absorbing layer...the one on the right does not keep in mind that the pic on the right was from 5 years ago....

Sonia It works Barb...try it. It looks like you have one good sunburn at first.

Teri Leigh Ok, So it's concealer. Then Lipstick. And then foundation? (This is, ofcourse, after using an astringent for my oily skin)

Randi also that was with cake makeup as well...Teri and Barb...the initial process may not look pretty at is the results that are

Barb So if you use the lipstick over the base you don't use a concealer under the base.

-=)-(eather=- I've seen the lipsrtick applies directly to the darkest beard area, rubbed thoroughly into the beard area, then concealer applied over that and blended along the trouble area.

Randi Teri....after the and then lipstick

Sonia Heather...that is the process I use.

Barb Randi - The base and foundation you use are cake type? Yes?

Randi ah and Heather is right...this is also dependent on how much of a problem the beard is

Teri Leigh Got it, Randi. Thanks.

Randi Barb that was 5 years ago......the pic here uses all liquid except for the lipstick

Teri Leigh How much problem can a beard on a lady be? *grin*

Randi de nada Teri.....

Sun, Jan 19, 9:12PM My beard is not heavy,just dark

Randi actually quite and there are problems therin if one is undergoing electro

-=)-(eather=- here is a picture of me when I first started transition without the Ben Nye makeup, before I had much electrolysis .. notice the hint of darkness along my jawline, even with heavy makeup ...

Teri Leigh Ok. First concealer. Then foundation. Then lipstick. Is that right?

Randi .....those undergoing electro may need to rethink the makeup

Bryanne What's the difference when going through electro?

Randi Yes Teri!!!!!!Heather...understood...I was there in point here as well

DARLENE How long a process is electrolysis?

Teri Leigh the makeup...please explain, Randi.

Randi has to be careful not to have the makeup clog the pores..this will make it somewhat more difficult to remove the hair

Bryanne OK Thanks for that info because I start electro next week.

Teri Leigh Got it. Randi. So what do you suggest for electro. Possibly a deep cleaning before electro?

Randi for electro to work.....the hair has to be allowed to grow somewhat so that it can be ripped out, so to for us..just like with GG's can clog the pores and make things such as that type of removal rather difficult

Monica Hi, all Teri Leigh Hi, Monica! Bryanne Hi Monica

Randi yes...exactly..although I have not had it done I think Heather has more expertise in that area

Barb How does the liquid makeup differ from the foundation?

-=)-(eather=- I've had about 130 hrs of elctrolysis so far, and have about 40-50 hours to go, I suspect. ....

DARLENE Heather,why does it take so long?

Barb Whats the average cost per hour?

Monica Ouch, 180hrs, how much will that end up costing?

SoniaHi Monica

Monica I hope 180 hrs isn't just covering facial hair!

Randi here in Minneapolis it is about $25 an depends on the amount of hair to be removed.....Barb...both are interchangeable...however liquid makeup is such because it can be applied more liberaly and as such can be used has a thcker consistency and as such....can needs to be somewhat thicker because it is applied once per day hi Monica

-=)-(eather=- Roughly $50 to 55 per hour here in the Wash, DC area ...

DARLENE How are you Monica?

Bryanne $25-35/per hour in Louisiana.

Monica That's alot to pay for pain, huh? *grin* Randi welcome to the chat hon

DARLENE Heather,is your electro just for facial hair or everything?

Monica Great thanks Darlene

Randi the results are worth it But I've found that liquid makeup doesn't work well with oily skin. ... here it is still the daily shave

-=)-(eather=- Just facial hair, tho I suspect some of the early work wasn't as effective as it might have been with higher settings - I've used 3 electrolygists over that time ..

Randi Teri, that being the case....may I suggest an oil absorbing liquid ...use that on the face right after shaving the strongest level is #3 ... here it stops the oil all day.

Bryanne Heather I've heard that the hair removed does grow back for a while,but is thinner. Is that true?

Monica Which means....?

DARLENE Girls,gotta run,my six yr old daughter need attention,my SO is at work and it's only me with her

Teri Leigh Do you think that the liquid makeups look more natural than the powder creme foundations, Randi? And what of the use of transluscent powder?

Randi by the by that is available from many companies

-=)-(eather=- I found that with the moisturizers I use, liquid makeup got too thin to do me any good, I liked the thicker types for daily use

Sonia I like Ultima II.

Randi Darlene HUGGGGGGGSSSS!!!! ... Teri.....for me liquid is easier to deal with and to use.....and translucent powder can work if it is about 1/2 a shade lighter than the makeup this workd for my case Terra Cotta shade of powder.....

Barb Thicker makeup over the foundation?

Randi here it is Revlon for the foundation and liquid..the powder is from CornSilk ....... no thinner over the foundation.....remember the idea is to 'sculpt' the image with the other layers ....... and the overall image will be impressive

Teri Leigh Have to power down.

Randi Ok Teri!!! Sonia..I like the pics long have you been transitioning??

Monica Sorry, I stepped away to watch Dustin Hoffman, on the Award show.

-=)-(eather=- The effectiveness of electrolysis depends on how thick your beard hairs are, what color, how high the electrolysis gear is set, etc. Thick hairs or grey hairs may take multiple zaps to fully kill the root. Each zap on a stubborn hair will thin it somewhat

Sonia I'm not transitioning Randi.

Randi Heaather do we have a system problem hon???

Sonia Also...thanks Randi.

Randi oh ok.....hmm Sonia from the pics I would not know the difference

-=)-(eather=- Many folks don't transition - but these makeup techniques will work for all ... Randi and that was meant as a compliment

Randi true Heather...

Sonia Thanks for the compliment!!! Am very confused CD likely TS.

Monica Sorry, I don't have much to add (novice here), but I appreciate the advice, everyone.... Same here Sonia ....Randi not everyone does...but if one does attempt to crosslive for a day, year, life should put the best foot forward

Randi de nada hon!!!!**HUGGGSSS****

-=)-(eather=- I think the web is really busy and slow tonight, and there's a lot of lurkers here tonight as well.

Monica Lurk, lurk, lurk *grin*

Randi Monica join in anytime ... there anyway to eventually show who's logged on? Would increase my comfort anyway.

Randi gotcha

Teri Leigh I'm back!

Sun, Jan 19, 9:49PM This is sort of scary for me because I do have a rather thick moustache. I was thinking also of cost so i found a school here that does treatments for $15-20 per hour so that may help with swome of the cost. Does the mousturizer hurt or help with electro?

Sonia Randi...I found that taking some pics really helped identify some flaws. Had thought beard cover was good. Pics showed it needed more. They helped.

Teri Leigh You know my problem, Heather. I just have to power down every hour or so. Now I'm back to instant refreshes.

Monica Think you've got problems, my razor is probably older than any of you ladies here tonight

Randi understood there Teri..I have to clear the cache for a sec

Barb Randi - Heather. Fogive me for dumb questions - but the terms and process being discussed are like techno talk to a caveman. I never knew there were so many layers. back to the foundation for a moment - you apply the foundation to your entire face and neck - yes? Than you apply some form of makeup. Do you apply the makeup all over whereever you applied foundation?

-=)-(eather=- Its underway - I have a log of everyone here, I just haven't made it publicly avaialble ... I'd need to filter out ISP data to let everyone be anonymous and safe.

Sonia Heather...thank you, I for one will appreciate that!!!

Teri Leigh Heather, did you find that HRT helped you facial growth problem at all? Did it at least slow it down or thin it out?

Randi is what I do.....after the oil lotion and the is foundation [liquid] then red lipstick....thin layer of foundation....these two layers with red lipstick sandwiched in between sets the face up for the last two layers

-=)-(eather=- to enlighten you, Monica - I was born in 1954 ...

Randi me 1959

Teri Leigh I was born on the day that the Korean War started. Get out your encyclopdia. That's the only hint you get. *grin*

-=)-(eather=- I've been on estrogen threapy for 5 years, it slowed my beard growth somewaht, but it has also made my skin clearer, which has the effect of making the hair under the skin more visible (!)

Monica wow, I would have never guessed 1954, no way!

Riki (in Lurk Mode) 1948

Sonia Got knocked offline again. Maddening. I a little earlier model Heather...51

Teri Leigh Thank you, Heather.

Randi All I am going to have to leave for a bit here....we have a little family matter to take care of

Barb Please - lets not talk age - my birthday may be 5 days before yours HeatherJ but the birthyear was 5 years before yours.

-=)-(eather=- here's an overview - if it helps ...

Barb RiKi - you my long lost sib?

Sonia Ahhh Barb, the makeup can take the years off. Randi the Dodgers left Brooklyn the year before I was born

Monica Well, seeing how we're 'fessing up here, I missed the fifties by one year!

Riki Barb - I might be! Sonia Astounding Heather.

Barb Not wanting to be a spoil sport but - how does foundation differ from makeup?

Teri Leigh What about blushes, shadows and lipsticks. I am a dark brunette. What are my best colors?

Randi True let's not discuss age tonight...Sonia...some night I will display the work in progress here

Monica Boy Heather, what a difference 6 years make. Much better! Well we're all about the same age, anyway, that's good!

Randi The blush you are using in you current pic works well, I use a somewhat darker shade

-=)-(eather=- foundation is one of many things under the broad label of "makeup" ... lipstick is makeup, as is eyeshadow, powder blusher, etc ... Randi but I also use it to contour the lower part of the face

Barb Auuuuuuuuugggggggghhhh! - Sorry - OK - after you put on your foundation Heather what do you do next?

Sun, Jan 19, 10:03PM Monica Well, now that I've depressed everyone, I have to run, thanks for the tips, and I hope to see everyone later. Hugs to all!!!! G'nite!

-=)-(eather=- I try to get some suntan in the summer as darker skintone helps hide the beard when its too hot to wear much makeup.

Randi Heather all are part of the process.....but they all have different purposes which aid in creating the image

Sun, Jan 19, 10:04PM You all make me feel like the youngster here '63.

Sonia Bye Monica.

Randi Heather I will be going in about 5 minutes here ..a family matter came up here......will be back on in a bit...can you take over in the meantime??? And by the by any questions please feel free to email me

Bryanne Heat is a problem here with makeup.

Randi hope to see y'all later ..... Heather????????

Sonia Bye Randi..thanks.

Teri Leigh I have been using Pinks and corals for blushes. I use dark blues for the eye lid, but have a difficult time picking shades for the upper eye to contrast it. Also, I've been using a pencil eyeliner. I've never tried a liquid eyeliner. The pencil cobwebbs after a few hours. Does liquid do that? Also does it come off easy?

Randi Teri before I run off...the eyeliner liquid or otherwise comes off easy with with cold cream or with any type of makeup remover although I have not used that type of eyeliner

Bryanne The weather here is a bear Hot all the time. Makeup must be light. Can't do heavy coverage to hide anything so I have learned to do other tricks to conceal facial hair.

Teri Leigh Thanks, Randi. See you later, dear.

Sonia Bryanne...what "tricks" do you use that don't involve make-up?

Randi for that matter very little eyeliner ..... Heather..sis you still here hon???

-=)-(eather=- After I moisturize and rub the Ben Nye makeup along the jawline and under my chin, in summer I'll use a liquid foundation like Revlon Touch & Glow (Misty Rose) over that in a very light coating to even the skintone. In winter I'll use something a bit thicker like Revlon stick makeup (Doubleplay #05-Sandrift) and blend that along the line where the Ben Nye is ... its not how much makeup you wear, its spreading it well and blending it in so you don't have sharply defined bands of colour. Once thats blended and has setup a bit, I use a loose powder like Coty Airspun Face Powder and a big brush to rub it into my face for an overall "matte" finish. Blushers and such are later. Randi Thanks Sonia...and Teri and Barb..I hope to be back on in about a bit

Barb Randi - If you have to go than go. I am sure Heather will be back soon.

Randi Ah there you are honey.......

-=)-(eather=- Sorry, Randi - do your errands, I'll hold things down here while you're off ...

Randi ok all Heather you have the Floor {{{{GROUP HUGGGGGGGGSSSS}}} and with this wand I will now go........POOOOOOOFFFFF!!!!

Bryanne I found a mixture of talc powder and mousturizer applied before base conceals really well and smoothes overall finish after all makeup is applied. Little secret used by stage actors!

Randi Thanks Heather.....***HUGGGGSSS****

Sonia How much talc do you mix with what amount of moisturizer?

Barb HeatherJ - So you are concealing your beard area. Then you put the foundation over that. - so you don't put foundation on your entire face and neck - right? Than the powder you apply - you apply all over?

Dancer Hello all I"m from Canada

Barb And if I want to also cover my spider veins on my cheeks - I would put concealer on them and than put foundation over that? == So you are using foundation only where you need to - right?

-=)-(eather=- Yes, heavy makeup only where I need it, lighter makeup on my cheeks and forehead, just moisturizer on the nose and upperlip, usually. The a dusting of powder over the whole thing to finish the basic "canvas" ..... Always blending everything together to avoid 'lines' of colour.

Bryanne mixture should be a thick paste, about the consisency of honey. remember to spead very thinly though.

Sonia Thanks Bryanne..may give that a try sometime.

Bryanne Sonia, hope that works it worked for me.

Sonia It'd be nice to be able to lighten back a bit.

Barb OK- sure wish there was a glossary for these terms. Being a techi at heart I want a fixed meaning for each word. Right now the term makup bothers me - when you said "

Yes, heavy makeup only where I need it, lighter makeup on my cheeks and forehead, just moisturizer on the nose and upperlip, usually. Then a dusting of powder over the whole thing to finish the basic "canvas"
You say makeup and I guess it's foundation or are there products called makeup vs foundation?

Sonia could always rub a nice chile on the cheeks for a rosy glow!

-=)-(eather=- sorry, Barb - in that last descriptive post of mine, I used 'makeup' as a generic term - but I use the heaver concealer along the jawline and under my chin where I still have some beard to hide. I use a lighter foundation on my cheeks, forehead and sometimes upper lip and nose.

Barb What a waste of a chili - rather eat it...... OK - how do you apply/blend fingers/sponge/brush ? do you do it in a certain direction?

Dianne Heather, What are the differences between the cream and liqiud foundataion and what about light coverage vs fulll coverage?

Teri Leigh Heather, what do you think of these makeup packages that they advertize on infomercials on TV? I mean besides their being quite expensive. Do they apply to a TS face?

Sun, Jan 19, 10:33PM Have you had experience with bleaching your facial hair heather?

-=)-(eather=- I have sponges but usually just put a little hand lotion on my fingers to make sure they are moiste, then apply with finger-tips ... wiping them between colors

Sonia I find fingers work as well as sponges.


Sonia Hi Kara Teri Leigh Hi, Kara! Bryanne Hiya Kara....

Barb Hope I am not talking to much. - After the foundation you say you use a powder over your entire face. I assume from what you have said before that you do it lightly - just enouigh to matt the skin. If thats right - what is the next step?

-=)-(eather=- Dianne - I use heavier foundation where I still have beard - e.g., jawline and on my neck - I use lighter foundation on my cheeks where the beard is gone - scroll back over the last 50 messages for specifics ...
I have tried bleaching facial hair with no real luck (but my beard is red and brown). All I do now with bleach is lighten my eyebrows every 5-6 weeks now ...very subtle.

-=)-(eather=- As Randi said, once the basic foundation and powder work is done, then you can do blusher, eyeshadow and all of that ... I use a very light taupe eyeshadow from the inner corner of my up and along the eyebrow to kind of "open up" my eyes - I'll also use a touch of that just under my eyes on the edge of my cheekbone to highlight it somewhat - thats what Randi was talking about when she talked about "sculpting' the face.

Kara Hi Teri!, Thanks again. You and Rosie where a tremendous help.

Sonia Well, it's time for me to leave....need beauty sleep. Up early tomorrow. Bye. Thanks Heather.

Bryanne Well it's been good chatting but gotta go C U L8R.........

Barb Since I can not shape my eyebrows since I am not out at work - Mine are kind of bushy - is there any thing i can do to them to de emphazie the flat ness of them?

-=)-(eather=- There are a couple tricks I have heard of folks using. Drag queens that aren't close to their audience use a UHU glue stick to slick down their brows, cover them with a thick beard cover, and redraw them with a pencil where they want - but in public, this doesn't look good, tho it can photograph well at a distance.

Teri Leigh I have bushy eyebrows, Barb. First of all, I have a set of Oster hair clippers. They are $20 at any WalMart. I carefully clip the length down and the I tweeze them to shape. I use very conservative shaping, trying for an androgenous look.

Barb I have been slowly reducing them in size over time ( I used to look like Einstein ) -- About blush - It seems that the girls either use too much ( for me anyway ) or don't seem to use any. If I have chubby cheeks would blush help or hurt?

-=)-(eather=- one help is just to use a bit of eyebrow pencil, which is a waxy product, to force the eyebrow hairs to take on the hsape you want. You should be able to do some subtle tweezing as Dianne had done to remove the straggler hairs to make them just a bit less bushy. Brooke Shields and some other models have redefined acceptible browse - as the look of many fashion magazines will prove - its not that thin Betty Davis look anymore, but a light bit of shaping can be done without being "out" at work - most folks will never notice.

Barb You mean like it would push and hold the hairs over the center of the eye up and either end down with a up/down shift between. Would it be best to thin out my eyebrows for this?

Teri Leigh Heather, is there a body hair removal product that WORKS? Neet and Nair don't do a thing for me.

-=)-(eather=- I prefer subtle makeup -many woman seem clueless about how to properly apply makeup - they don't pass!! But we want to, so subtle is better. Oh - there is a difference between daytime makeup, which is light and extremely subtle, and nightime makeup which can be more dramatic if you are going out/downtown/clubbing

Dianne Heather, sometimes when I put foundation and powder on, my face look rough. Is there a way to get a smoother look?

Barb Do you use light bulbs to apply daytime makeup and floresecent for night time makeup. Does daytime/subtle work at night? Also - you will have to tell me some other time just what clubbing is - have seen several comments about it.

-=)-(eather=- Body hair - lots of approaches. I know folks that get their body waxed every 6 weeks or so in the summer. I've used the epilady to rip hair off my lower legs and things, but its too severe on the upper-body/torso. I just shave every few days - but I used to bleach the hair on my arms, before I started hormones.

Teri Leigh How do you bleach?

-=)-(eather=- Clubbing=going to night-clubs! Rough skin, hmm, depends on if your skin is rough from shaving (bumpy) or if just from makeup not being smooth. If its makeup, your makeup might have dried out, or maybe you aren't moisturizing first and thus the makeup 'clumps' on you ...

Dianne Probably not moisturizing. I'll scroll back 300 and look at the moisturizing stuff.

-=)-(eather=- Many makup stores will sell a product like Jolene or Sally Hanson Creme bikini line bleach. Women use it to lighten hair around the bikini line, but it will work fine on your body hair. Its a 2 part product, mix a powder and a creme, apply - wait 20 mins, scrape it off rinse the skin. I have found that I can reapply the product to another place, the other arm, whatever and it will bleach that area as well.

Barb Cool - I always just called it going downtown. On the eyes - I under stand mascara but not eyeliner.

Teri Leigh Thank you, Heather. BTW, do you know how much Epilady costs? .... Eyeliner along the lower lid, really accetuates the eyes. But I do not think that it has daytime qualities.

-=)-(eather=- I paid $30 for mine, but a gal in our local support group has bought a couple at thrift stores for $5 or so each.

Teri Leigh You can see it in this pic.

Barb Sorry Teri - my resolution isn't good enough to tell. - But the overal pics are great.

Teri Leigh Perhaps this one.

-=)-(eather=- My eyes are very sensitive so I don't wear much makeup close to the eyes like eyeliner and rarely wear mascara ...

Barb No not that one either - Heather - I am running 95 how can I check/change the screen resolution?

Teri Leigh Well, I think that I use too much of the wrong makeup and have used poor procedures. That will be corrected from tonight. I am very grateful for this session, Heather.

ronda hell -- do we have a topic???

Sun, Jan 19, 11:27PM Yea! I think it's time to move on to lips.

ronda meant to say hello - sorry

-=)-(eather=- Depends on your hardware Barb - click START - Settings - Control Panel ... then Display to see what you've got, Barb.

Sun, Jan 19, 11:27PM Yea! I think it's time to move on to lips.

Teri Leigh Hi, Ronda. This is a focused cosmetics chat, dear. ronda good could use the session

Sun, Jan 19, 11:30PM OK - tied that it's 640x480 and every time I change it it changes back. now not the time for this - io will call maker.

-=)-(eather=- ok - one thing we didn't cover is getting a close shave!

Sun, Jan 19, 11:33PM Sorry - did I cause a pause in the chat?

Teri Leigh Go for it, Heather.

Sun, Jan 19, 11:34PM Why just use a Remminton Electric shaver. At least that what they say on tv.

-=)-(eather=- not that I know of - folks come and go as we chat - there are lulls here and there ...

Barb Sorry that was me kidding around - lost the info again.

-=)-(eather=- 'cause electric razors rarely get close enough - I've used electric, and used Trac 2 type - trac2 is rougher on the face but gets MUCH closer for me ..

Barb Sorry again - forgot and put the geocities url in again.

Teri Leigh I use a Track II, Heather. And the old style brush and mug. Slurry Soap with lanoline and Aloe. Very close shave. I shave with the grain first and then against the grain while I am pulling the skin. A steptic pencil is a must.

Dianne The closest shave I got was with a Shick Tracer razor. ..... The flexible razor head lets you get a nice close shave all over.

Teri Leigh I wear no sideburns. I cut them at the top of the ear. It is a popular male style also. Just a straight hair line from the ear.

Dianne Also, let the beard grow for three days before shaving. This lets the hair grow out fully so when you sahve you are shaving the hair and not missing the previously shaved little stubble that is closer to the face. Plus your skin will look less irritated if you gave it a 3 day rest before shaving.

-=)-(eather=- Tracers work nice two - I heat up an Aloe based aerosol shave cream in a sink of hot water - wet the washcloth and an\pply to my neck, the hot water softens the beard. I stretch the skin in some places to make the hairs pop up just a little more, to get closer.

Teri Leigh Shaving ones hands and wrist (at the very least) is recommended. I eliminate all body hair, but this can be quite tedious with just a razor.

-=)-(eather=- Shaving every other day helped for me - tho I'll touch up the rough spots with an electric razor.

Barb Amazing - Most of us have hair where we don't want it and don't have hair where we do. Do you have any recomendations regarding lips/lipstick/application/keeping it on?

-=)-(eather=- I used the epilady to rip the hair off my arms and hands - but many women have some hair on their arms and hands, its just light, that why bleaching may be the best approach for many folks ...

Teri Leigh There is the trick in the wintertime of wearing a turtleneck sweater. It hides a adam's apple (the dead give away of a man). ...... I must go for a bit, girls. Thank you so much, Heather. This has done so much for me.

Barb Bye Teri Leigh - been fun.

-=)-(eather=- Bye Teri - see ya! Thanks for the help!

Barb Heather - you still here?

-=)-(eather=- still here - yes!

Barb Well I just want to say thanks you and please tell Randi a big thanks to her too. Were you able to tell if many people came and lurked? I have a bunch of notes here and need to write them up before I forget what they mean. - I think my next step is to find out what my "colors" are. Do you have a topic for next week - I was kind of hoping it would be hair ( body/head/wig/etc). Once again many thanks. ....... Also - sorry that I seemed to dominate the chat. Will learn to be more quiet.

-=)-(eather=- We had left it open to see what the reaction was to this tonight - I'll post it on the door in the next day or so ......... Asking questions helps run the chat -

Barb I wonder if anyone has done a study of peoples personality when they are on and off the internet. I seem much more happy go lucky when I am here on the net than when I am in person with people. Have ever noticed any personality changes in people like that?

-=)-(eather=- Sure - its a kind of Walter Mitty syndrom of sorts ... you're in your own home and comfortable and its a safe easy way to communicate

Kara Barb, I seem to be more reserved on the 'net. I did get alot of helpful information tonite by just lurking

-=)-(eather=- I don't mind lurkers, as long as they aren't afraid to ask a question when they need to ...

Barb Yea - seems to me there were several Asimov stories about that kind of thing "Caves of Steel" and one or two follow ons to the detective ( can't remember the name ) - O well - Thanks again - Time to go write up my notes - probably see you later onver in the Kaffe Haus. Ta - BarB ....... Didn't mean anything bad about lurkers - just wondered - I started out a major lurker. Besides - the more talkers and lurkers here tonight - the more likely we will do it again.

Kara It seemed like every question I had was answered tonight. I would like to thank Randi for all of her help tonight, and thank you Heather for this wonderful site. It is helping me alot. There's a lot of great people here.

-=)-(eather=- Exactly! I do like having more participants - it helps keep the questions and answers flowing

Anyway, thanks to all of you for being here, and we'll see you next week! Bye ...