Evening all!!!!!
Greetings and welcome to the Sunday Night Chat...tonight we will be dicsussiong Body Image creating a feminine body type
just remember that here in this chat any questions re: this or any subject during the night is not out of bounds
and let's have a good time
Hi MaryJo
and whoever else is here
welcome to the chat
Teri Leigh
Hi, Randi! Sorry I'm late. I had to clean myself up, dear.
That is ok Teri...HI!!!
the rest may be showing up later
how are you doing?
Teri Leigh
I know that other girls are coming, Randi. We had a whole Minnesota contingent here earlir, about 4 of us. And others said that they were coming also. When I said that I needed to get myself ready about 45 minutes ago, I must have given everyone else the same idea.
here just finished dinner
hi hi hi hi hi hi hi
Teri Leigh
Hi, Gail. Randi, Gail is originally from Minnesota, but is living in Pheonix now.
Sandra 'Denise'
Good evening Randi and Teri! How have you been?
What are we taking about tonight?
Teri Leigh
I just love the new wallpaper in this room.
Yes, I miss the state but not the snow
Hello Gail......Teri and I were just about to get started....here is a opener...what does one think about the extremes of the body as portrayed by mainstream media???
Teri Leigh
I believe that the topic is body image, Gail.
Teri Leigh
Too skinny, just for a start.
Perfect bodys slim and vary sexy and athletic
Teri Leigh
Fortunately, small breast have come into fashion, though.
Sandra 'Denise'
My image is a real sight to behold tonight! After yesterday's electro session, I look like I have the measles.
All we are talking about body proportions and contouring
Teri Leigh
But Baywatch is the most popular TV show in the world. I guess that defeats my last statement.
HAHA Denise........but seriously...what type of image do we find appealing in women...those we know and those we admire
Well teach us the right way to go
Sandra 'Denise'
Proportions and contouring is something I can almost fit into.
The reason why I am asking is that bosy image is another important part of transition
Any Mouse
Good Evening
Teri Leigh
I just made up a pair of breast forms this evening. Because I only have a D cup bra, I, ofcourse made them a D cup. But what was it that made me buy a D cup bra in the first place. I bought it before I had ant intention of transitioning. I just had an image of myself as large breasted. I guess that I had bought into the sick fantasies of my youth. I'll never grow to a D cup.
The media whats us to think that all people what is big breasted women who are pretty
well for example when each of us starts out....we tend to go a little towards the fetishistic end of things...exagerrated breasts etc...but those of us who want to transition...then we have to look a little more well realistic
Sandra 'Denise'
One of the numerous improvements that I would like to make is the mid-section. It seems to grow on me, despite the loss of so much weight.
Well yes big breasted may be considered acceptable...but can be distractive and painful to one's back
Teri Leigh
I admire Katherine Hepburn most of all.
Teri Leigh
I know that B Cup is the average among women.
for example...what would each of us consider ideal for us...breast size wise????Me, I would love to be a 36C......
True Teri.....b-c are most common amongst most of the populace
38+ D
Hi, I'm new to the sunday theme night
Teri Leigh
Ideal? Me, right now...38D.
Teri Leigh
Sandra 'Denise'
A B-cup has been my goal from the beginning, as it would be appropriate for me. My goal is not to draw extra attention, but to appear natural among the general population.
and there are different levels of C size.....case in point in this pic the bra is a 36c, but it tends to be on the large size
Cindy hi hon you are very welcome here...we are talking about Body Proportioning
Hi Gail, what Have I missed so far. I am really intrested in this shape info
Teri Leigh
Please explain further, Randi.
granted there are different types of brassieres in the 36-C arena....
Sandra 'Denise'
Hi Cindy!
Teri Leigh
We've just started, Kimmie.
for the most part...not all bras that are in the same size are created equal....and as such if one were to create forms for a 36c they would fit differently in each type of bra...be they soft cup, fiberfill, longline or underwire
Sandra 'Denise'
Hi Kimmie! Florida here too. Tampa.
Teri Leigh
BTW, I have deleted my pic in order to give Randi the floor.
Any Mouse
Hi, like Cindy this is my first time here. I think my ideal cup size is 36b not too big not too small.
Hello Kimmie!!!!!this leads into how we creat our breast area so it matches the rest of our bodies....what have each of you used to create your visage?
Teri Leigh
I prefer a longline in that I use a type of breastform. They tend not to ride up.
It depends Anon..
Breast forms, Randi, but I cant get used to the bulges. I think they maybe too big.
I like your pic Cindy
same here Teri...I have worn nealry every type.......some of the non-longlines tend to allow for an overspill
Sandra 'Denise'
A 34B seems to be perfect for me right now, but if I follow my sisters it may get tight in a few months.
Any Mouse
I just invested in some silicone forms. Expensive but I love them. They really feel natural and they really respond to whatever bra I'm wearing.
Kimmie, are the froms manufactured or homemade??
are the silicon forms attacheable or non attachable??
They are femufactured!
the right type of forms also helps with the image as well
Teri Leigh
I am very tall, but small boned. I do tend to carry a larger breastform more naturally. I have successfully dieted my waste to 32". But I need alot of help in the hips. That is why, as much as I hate them, I stuff and wear a girdle.
Kimmie just wondering are these skin tone as well?
They are skin tone as well.
Teri we will be getting to the hips in a bit....those of you who have the homemade forms...what did you use??
Thank you Gail..... I wear heart shape forms #7. I like the look very much, but now I'm finding I can't wear a strapless bra with them
It seems that I have more trouble in the hip area than in the breasts
Hi all, sandy is here. If you don't mind, I'm going to scroll up abit and see what has been discussed.
if y'all scroll back about 25 you would see what I was using about 4 years ago
Breast forms are to much, what other things can be used?
ok Sandy...Cindy, if you mind me asking......who was the manuafacturer?????
Teri Leigh
I have just been lazy for years. I've been stuffing my cups with nylon tricot. But today in anticipation of this seminar , I made a pair out of rice and cut up pantyhose. An old trick.
-=)-(eather=- Wash,DC
hi everyone ...
Several methods.....cheapest [and possiblyleast safe] are balloons and water.....next up would be baggies, water, socks/pantyhose....another may be baggies and birdseed...any others ladies???
Sandra 'Denise'
Hello Heather!
Teri Leigh
The outside knot makes a very natural nipple.
Evening Heather!!!!!
Thanks for sharing the Method Teri...are there any others????
Phone call back in a second
I know this sounds silly but in an effort to make hoomemade forms realistis I used a mixture of rice and BB's.
my initial ones were a combination of water, baggies, pantyhose, twist-ties all doubled and triled to make sure nothing leaked
-=)-(eather=- Wash,DC
I made some breast forms from Nerf balls once - used silicon bathtub calking for the nipple ... kinda round, but you don't use half the ball, more like 2/5ths of i
Kimmie...that is a method that has been mentioned in other places
Sandra 'Denise'
Well, at one time I found water balloons did the best for me, Randi.
interesting method hon
A cup of rice to 250 BB's gave them a nice realistic bounce!
-=)-(eather=- Wash,DC
it lacks weight and bounce, but does have a nice roundness
Teri Leigh
Me too, Kimmie. It has the advantage of the right weight feeling and is very safe also.
any others???
I tried the birdseed thing but I hafta walk thru the park on the way home.
here mine are skin tone and are of industrial plastic
-=)-(eather=- Wash,DC
When I did birdseed, I never mixed any BBs in with them, they seemed to have a nice bounce on their own, if the bra is underwired and shaped right ...
they came from a place called E&C; who used to be in Upstate Ny but are now in Vermont
for myself.....it is underwired braslips......
the bounce and penetration or lack therof is realistic
Teri Leigh
I like camisole type straps for comfort, Randi. But definitely longline. And I feel much more comfortalbe sleeping in it. It doesn't ride up.
Teri Leigh
I've always wanted one, Randi.
Sandra 'Denise'
I prefer the underwire demi with a thin underpadding. It provides the lift to create a good cleavage.
by way of illutration....it works
Cindy, hi. Just visited your HP. Nice, and nice pics. sandy still here listening.
Sandra 'Denise'
now how do we handle the 'body bulges' that occur in the stomach area???
Denise the post with the pic on the right...that was a full length illlustration
A cincher. I call it my trash compacter
-=)-(eather=- Wash,DC
chubby tummy syndrome? or lower problems?
I've certainly got those "bulges". Any help appreciated.
si in how do we get that waist down to the desired size....
Sandra 'Denise'
I have occasionally worn a waist cincher, especially with those skin-tight dresses.
-=)-(eather=- Wash,DC
sit-ups and torso twisters help.
yes Heather...that is what was meant.....yes I wear one as well but it is built into the panty girdle.........by the by anyone know of anyone who wears corsets to do same???
torso twisters????
Torso Twister?
what are those hon??
I assume a type of excercise
actually excercise is best to remove the excess
Sandra 'Denise'
I can remember those days, Randi! I had a few corsets, but fortunately they grew out of me.
-=)-(eather=- Wash,DC
its a kind of situp to alternate toes. ALsojust standuing and twisting from left extreme to right extreme is another good exercise for working tummy muscles
walking works
Teri Leigh
I have been able to eliminate most of the fat, but the muscles are a problem. No girdle that I have found will pull them in. I am hoping that HRT will relax them.
-=)-(eather=- Wash,DC
phone call brb ..
ah ok now I understand Heather...by the by does anyone here think the extremely thin wasp-like waist is, well attractive???
Teri Leigh
I have heard that HRT decreases muscle strength.
Hi folks!... Would taking a half hour of squash per week do the trick? I got 5 months to lose 20 lbs!
ok Heather.....and understood Teri...although the fdact that I walk a great deal at work has helped drop the weight down some
Sandra 'Denise'
Yes, I have found exercising to be the answer to most of the problems. I do love cycling, but not everyone has the year-round advantage.
Teri Leigh
I would just like to have a contrast with my hips. In as much as I have no hips, I just try to slim my waist down as much as possible. I do not desire hour glass. Just hips. *grin*
Annie that can help, as long as there are other things along with that...Teri it depends...muscle strength can be cut down somewhat ut it depends on the person
well that leads into the nest area to talk about.....who here has worn any hip padding??
Hello everyone!
I've cut down on the food, too, but I've got to lose the tummy!
Teri Leigh
I think that I will benefit then because my mother and sisters are very slight in muscle.
in other words....does it or did it help and was it a distraction??
hip padding? with 38" hips hehehe
Amy Lynn
Hi, good topic:)
Aannie...that is all a prt of it....things do have to be balanced
Teri Leigh
Hip padding. Absolutely neccessary for me. Though I hate what I have to go through for it.
ok well Annie you are like me then.....I haaave wide hips....bike riding I guess is where that came from.....but there are those who have no hips per se
Amy Lynn
If your already thin, how much padding should you start out with? hips.
Well two years ago, I was 36-29-38. I'm now 36-32-40... eeek!
I have experimented with padding but have never been successful. It always looks like...padding.
Here is a thought re: the hips Teri....would wearing skirts that would fit more around the stomach vis a vis the hips help?
I would think a minimal amount of padding, Amy....there are some girldes that allow for very thin pads......
Teri Leigh
Two bathtowels and two face towels inside a hi waist girdle looks like this.
Amy Lynn
I think wearing a tight dress, thats fits around the waist does help some I think.
we are not tlaking about the pads from Fredericks that can make one look like a female ant
Teri Leigh
Amy Lynn
I tried to use bathtowels once, but it didn't look right.
yes even a princess waist or a drop waist dress would work...a-line skirts work as well
Teri Leigh
Amy Lynn
You mean the pads that you would find at women clothing stores?
sandy, still here listening, gaining good info. Thanks !!
Ok Teri judging from the pic...if the waist on the skirt were about 2 inches higher that would work very well
Teri Leigh
One bathtowel and two face towels really look the most natural.
THanks Sandy!!! Amy yes those types of pads......
those can work
just keep in mind that one does not want to have an unnatural look this would not help one pass at the office so to speak
OK, so if I want to get something from my local chain store to control the tummy and get me into my old clothes, what kind of thing do I ask for? Girdles, panty girdles? (ugh) Never needed them before!
or for that matter at the mall.....trer are many genetic females who have too much naturally and it is not terribly female
Teri Leigh
Really?! I'll try it. But I hate all the routine of the porper folding and getting the girdle up over it all. I once saw a CD who had a special padded girdle that I had not ever seen sold that she just zipped on. Voila'. Hips.
Amy Lynn
I've been eyeing those panty briefs with built in padding, how would I go about picking the right type? I've seen several models before.
Annie...what you may want to use is a high waisted panty..theyre are panties with waistband stays that will work...and they will not be as confining as some people think...I wear one...and looking at purchasing a few more
Hi Randi, am I aloud to say something??
It's not only a high waist panty I need, but something firm to keep the tummy in...
Amy a key to that is what your breat size is and go form there...if you are a 36 breast wise, you would wnat to use a 36 panty or panty girdle ......or use padding to keep it in proportion
Auntie of course dear you are please go ahead
Amy Lynn
I've seen waist high panty that comes up real higy, but it has a zipper in front that suppose to slim down and firm up the tummy and waist. Are those work good?
hope that helps Annie
and Amy.......I do not know about the zzippered ones...but I would think that would cut down on wheter one can bend or not
Can't hurt to try!
hello, again
Girls, I use a waist cincher to take my 34" down to 29" and wear padded panties. Mine are padded at the hips and the butt. that is when I need some sort of figure, which is seldom. I normally wear over blouses or dresses with no waist. They can be very attractive and the skirts are rather short.
de nada Annie
Amy Lynn
Thanks Randi, I wonder if those zipped things would be any trouble wearing.
Rosie thank you...actully you gave me an idea for what to wear this spring
well I would suspect that the models that wear those zippeded items never have 'real life' to deal with
Amy, from my personal experience they do work, but are very uncomfortable while sitting...
Rosie aren't those pads made of the same material like the pads in WonderBras?
sorry Randi, I am sure that what you were gonna wear would've been just perfect(grin)
Amy the girdles with zippers are fine for a party that you will be standing at, but you will learn to limit the sitting. (smiles)
Amy Lynn
Thanks Rosie, the thing I wonder about is when you sit down, and have to get back up again are you going to have trouble fixing everything back in place again?
if they are than they should be comfortable
Teri Leigh
I have the current Old Pueblo Traders catalog. They have an excellent high quality foundation section at very good prices. Examples:
Glamorize Special Request zip waist cincher...$30.00
Vesta padded derrie're brief (lycra spandex)...$15.50
Vanity Fair lace Antron III bra slip...$19.99
Medium control hiwaist panty girdle...$16.95
Did those prices get your attention, girls.? *grin*
The phone number to order your own catalogs is (520) 747-5000
Deliver is usually 4 to 6 weeks.
they are just foam rubber Randi, I have several pairs, and sometimes double up on them..They come out so you can wash the garment....I don't know what's in a push-up bra, I don't own one. nothing to push up yet *chuckle*
hmmmm seems like that will hurt.. Grin ROsie!!
Thanks for popping in Rosie. Keep it up, please.
I have two Wonderbras 1 black,1 white of course! But the annoying thing is I can't fit into them anymore!! They were great when I did need them tho'
Teri a little later on...could you email the details on that slip????? I am wondering if it regular straps or with camisole
Yes Thanks again Auntie!!!**HUGGGGSSS****
Amy, sometimes they roll up er down? but it is not a major problem, normally the skirt does not roll up in it, so there is nothing to fix....It is just uncomfortable...
Amy Lynn
How good are those Wonderbras? I've heard girls talk so much about them, are they worth it?
I'm sorry Randi, I did not mean to butt in..
Annie...I have two wonderbraslips both black and they work very well
I've seen a place on-line that will take your measurements and custom make a padded girdle for the "perfect figure." Its called Classic Curves but its very expensive.
They aren't so much padded as a sort of push-me-up! They're great for cleavage under a dress or body. When I was an "A" they looked great. They're no more uncomfortable than most bras, and every girl wants a little more!
Rose, dear...please you are always welcome......in answer to the issue of the wonderbra.....they do work...but for them to be effective no matter what the cup size...there has to be some flesh for it work with
and here they make my a+'s look like full c's with padding
Teri, Old Pueblo Traders now has an 800# 800-362-8420
and with certain dresses.....they work great
Teri Leigh
Thanks, Rosie!
will keep that one in mind Rosie
Folks, I'm outta here. Thanks so much for the info I've gathered from here. Outta here, {{POOF}}, I love you all !!
by the by and not trying to sound gross here, but we need to talk in trems of another issue re:body proportioning......and that is how does one handle the groin as in keeping it hidden so to speak
Later Sandy!!!!
yep... I've got to go too... bye for now...
ok Annie take care hon!!!!!!!
Amy Lynn
I heard of a strap called a Gaff before. It suppose to smooth things down there.
Teri Leigh
I pad over it, Randi, so that it just appears that I have a tummy problem. Done correctly, the contour becomes very natural.
who else is on board??
Amy Lynn
Amy's here.
here it is just some control top hose or tights and the panty girdle over it...works very well...there is another thing.....mental training helps
good night Sandy and Annie..
I just keep my skirts on Randi...
Teri Leigh
One must scupt the hips and derrie're to match proportionately. A tummy problem appears much mor natural than a "groin" problem. *grin*
as in one think female all the time...
I agree with Randi, I ain't got much, so the panty hose work very nicely...
Teri Leigh
Please explain further, Randi...
Nicole here. I use a gaff if I'm going out. I find I can only use it for a couple of hours because if there is any shifting it can get very uncomfortable. Looks great though.
re: the one about the skirts hon...
Amy Lynn
Have ya'll been to Michelle's Midday Break page? She's has a tip and trick sheet that deals with tucking. I'm wondering has anyone tried it and does it works?
a little humor never hurts. **smiles**
ok what the mental training means is to keep out of one's mind sexual urges...as in if one sees an attractive member of the same or opposite sex the urge or need to physically react
Teri Leigh
Ofcourse, I have almost no hips at all, so that in sculpting over them everything else gets pretty much covered up.
Amy Lynn
That does work Randi, with the mental training.
ture Auntie....Amy I have seen the tips but have not had to use them yet
ooops that should have been true
Amy, I am sorry to report that that trick has been taken off line......Michelle indicated to me that that she had tried it and she was not very happy with the outcome.. She told me there were better ways although she never said what or where...I will if you'd like try to find that resource...
Teri Leigh
Oh, I grew out of that years ago, Randi. *grin*. The clothes don't even turn me on anymore. I am asexual. I look at a man and see the potential of violent rejection of who I am. I look on a woman and wonder what brand of hair color she uses. *grin*
hmmmm....keep in mind that if one has been on Hormones for a while the menatrla training will work much better
Teri understood hon
Amy Lynn
Rosie, I've doubted using that trick before I didn't think it would work comfortible. If you or anyone knows of any better methods, besides the one we just discussed, please let me know about them.
Randi, in my experience I have found that if I fold my self up into the panty girdle and pull the pantyhose up real tight in the crotch area, it really don't matter about arousal,,, it can't get loose....I have never had that sort of problem although it did worry me when I started going out...I quickly learned to trap that sucker and keep him in control.....
well now that we made it to the legs....let's tlak about....heels and such...this part of the image as well
Amy Lynn
Would tight panties work as well, as a panty girdle?
understood Rosie
Amy they would but one would have to worry about circulation
amy, I will check with Michelle. I am sure she has a sourc. I will notify you and get on-line asap...
Amy Lynn
Thanks Rosie:) Thats what I worry about Randi, cutting off circulation might cause trouble.
Teri Leigh
What did used to work for me most of my life was that I have had the misforune of seeing a dead body (or two). Anytime I focused my mind on that returned me to normal immediately.
Amy, problem with panties, tight or otherwise..I fall out. the panty girdles are tighter and there is more to them to hold everthing in place... The pantyhose add to the security.
also whether it will be painful to walk or sit for that matter
Amy Lynn
How can heel's help with shaping?
Teri Leigh
My doctor said that I have great legs. *grin*
that is whay I do not wear anything tight around the groin.....yes maybe a little tight around the tummy....but not around the penis so to speak
somebody's bragging **smiles**
Teri Leigh
My doctor says that I have great legs. *grin*
Amy Lynn
If you wear a fuller dress below the waist that should conceal you know what.
mine ain't bad Teri **grin**
Teri Leigh
But at 6'3", it's flats for me.
yes it will Amy..
well consider it this way...the higher the heel...the more it places the rear in air and forces the body to thrust the breasts out....sort of like an exaggerated 'S' shape
Teri Leigh
Hey, Rosie, let's go downtown, girl. *grin*
One of my favorite pics Auntie
Amy Lynn
I got a question how can you make your legs look better if their boney looking?
pumps for me, but I stick to 3" or less.
not to mention the wear and tear on the ankles and knees
Teri Leigh
The fleet's in!!!
Hi Randi sorry to barge in late...
Amy Lynn
How would you choose a comfortible pair of heels? What do you look for?
Teri Leigh
Textured hose can compensate.
dark hose would work there Teri
2 or 3 pairs of pantyhose Amy, or thigh highs and then panty hose..Support pantyhose has enough material in them to help shape most any leg...
no problem anon
Teri Leigh
Great idea, Randi.
sorry to have no tag too*grin*
Amy Lynn
Do I have to wear that many Rosie?
long dark tigts work very well for me...dark sahdes of sheer hose also...navy, black...even green
I'm ready Teri. *grin*
Just a suggestion Amy,, I usually wear 2 pair except in the summer...
single pairs of dark shades work.,....and keep in mind that these keep make one look taller
are you trying to hide hair?
not me, I shave...
Hi Tamlyn **HUGGGGGSS*******
Randi do you know Linda Joy at Monumental?
same here Rosie....like about twice a week
isn't she the owner Tamlyn??
the name is not that familiar
Tamlyn is she here in MN??
I'm ready Teri. *grin*
Rosie .I shave too..except my arms,I found cutting the hair to 1/2 inch(with dog clippers*grin*) and bleaching the rest with jolene it looks more natura
just wondering
interesting method Tamlyn
Amy Lynn
Wouldn't bleaching cause chemical burns on the skin?
you are about the 15th one that has suggested that about the arms... I really must try that....thanks for the reminder Tamlyn...
Rosie yes LJ is the owner..my wife and her are close friends and worked at CSC together well my wife told LJ about me being TS last week
you are about the 15th one that has suggested that about the arms... I really must try that....thanks for the reminder Tamlyn...
here I use either Oil of Olay soap or Edge gel and slim twin razors
I am sure she knows about me as well Tamlyn...I met her once..and that was just for a minute...
works rather well
Teri Leigh
Have to make a phone call. BRB
I use an electric here..I would cut my throat if I ever got a blade that close **grin**
Amy Lynn
Would waxing be better than using a blade, or a shaver?
I heard there was pain involved in waxing??
Tamlyn LTNS how are you????
well I have a job as me .grin a hostess at a restaurant, starting in 2 months..plus my SO is leaving for London(we are separated) so I only have to "look" boyish for about 30 hours a week.. Got my ears pierced wednesday and have some questions about that.if anyone can help?
Amy Lynn
I think waxing would be better than shaving because it suppose to keep hair away for 2 or 3 weeks. Shaving you have to do about every week.
shaving is better
Amy Lynn
How come Randi? "shaving"
Good Going Tamlyn
shaving tends to follow the flow of the hair or lack therof...also one can go against the grain mush easier to do a second shave if needed during that time
Randi i am way kewel for now..testing is done ..and I have a secure financial condition and a female job..so I only need a year RLT and I will have a house job property and the money for SRS within 12 months..I will probably wait a bit longer but only to make my new life secure..
great Tamlyn, I am so happy for you dear HUGS
hope that helps
Amy waxing causes distortion of the folicle..often causing superfluous (multiple) hair growth
Tamlyn *****HUGGGGSSS***
Amy, Girls that I know that do wax. swear by it..some go 2 months between sessions.. but it does hyrt a littee
Amy Lynn
When you shave it changes the texture of the hair causes it to become thicker. Does the hair thin out over time due to constant shaving?
I am proud of you!!!!
That will depend on whether or not one is also on hormones if that were the case...then thinner hair will result over time
mine never has Amy.. I just have to keep shaveing..hormones does slow down hair growth...Electrolisis gets rid of the roots, so it can no longer grow...
Rosie ..I own 1/5 of the reastaurant and my partners are a lesbian..a lesbian a TS Lesbian a straight guy..and me!(TS lesbian) but we got a 1.4 million dollar loan to buy the property building and liquor liscence...anyway i will be hostess 25 hours a week or more..get to be in dressy clothes 5 nights a week in a hetero environment..grin..I am really phsyched*giggle*
here the hair has become thinner.....but I have been on hormones for about 2 1/2 years total
great Tamlyn!!!!!
I am proud of you hon
very proud
my electro says shaving and clipping are OK but plucking and waxing are bad in the long run
how large is the restaurant hon???
Teri Leigh
My leg hair has thinned from weekly shaving.
Teri Leigh
What did I miss?
just wondering here
Tamlyn was talking about her new business
Amy, i am not on anything cept my puter.. My leg hair is easier to shave, but I shave nearly every other day..once I took down the first thick layer, and stay with it, it ain't so bad...
Teri Leigh
Randi it seats 300..Janis Ian is playng our opening act. and Mary Chapin Carpenter a month later*smile* going to be a fun life as a woman!
here it is about once every 5 days that the legs have to be shaved
Now you have to get an autographed pic of Mary Chapin Carpenter for us hon!!!!!
I am looking forward to having my prescript raised so i can have less overall hair
Teri Leigh
I'm going to play on of her tapes, right now.
thats a go Randi..on the Mary Pics
Tamlyn, can I book your acts...I know where all the country stars live and work...also a bunch of drag queens...
that should happen next month
what happened to Amy????
Thanks Tamlynn on behalf of Allie and myself
Amy Lynn
I just got back on, hope it stays that way:)
Rosie one of the other girls on the board is a reporter for USA today she books the acts..the name of the restaurant is Red Capricorn...and it is in Rockville MD
Amy Lynn
I'll be back later pooter trouble POOFERS
-=)-(eather=- Wash,DC
as did I - everyone seems to know when to call, sigh ...
hope you are still here
-=)-(eather=- Wash,DC
hey, is it a done deal now, Tamlyn? All settled?
WOW!!! Thanks Tamlyn...Heather welcome back hon
Teri Leigh
I've been through Rockville, Tamlyn.
-=)-(eather=- Wash,DC
J called from Hawaii - its been nearly 2 months, and I do like to know whats up with her, sorry
ok Amy
I suppose I should catch the news and some zzz's nite all..
-=)-(eather=- Wash,DC
y'all like the Rose's ok??
hon that is ok...what is she doing over in 5-0?
Teri Leigh
I had a job in Minneapolis, Minnesota and called in on a Monday morning at 8am and told them that I would be coming in late. They asked me where I was. I told them Rockville, Maryland. *grin*
Yes very much heather!!!!!! THANKS!!!!!!!!!
well Heather we still have to tie a few ends but it is doable and Marty and i are both commited..Bernadette is in Vermont..her mom Died
Teri Leigh
Love them, Heather.
-=)-(eather=- Wash,DC
I know, Tamlyn, I told Rosie about it the other day when we talked ... poor Bernie ...
-=)-(eather=- Wash,DC
ok, no problem ... just kinda thought you'd like the Rose's ... seemed appropriate somehow
a kinder gentler background
-=)-(eather=- Wash,DC
ok - I've just been feeling a bit redundant here, is all - thanks.
Teri Leigh
Well, We've gone the figure from head to toe, Randi. Where do we go from here?
-=)-(eather=- Wash,DC
well, with the snow coming down, I needed to look at something floral here if I can't see flowers on my sundeck right now
the Roses are Kewel.herbs would be keweler
Great Tamlyn
Teri Leigh
Oh, the winter is bringing me down sooo much. It is the beauty and light that I find here, Heather, that keeps me going. *smile*
not me, I shave...
sorry about the typing there.....back keyboard here
-=)-(eather=- Wash,DC
perhpas someone will send me pictures of herbs against a solid backdrop that I can digitize (smile) .
ooops bad keyboard
now that is a thought.....
it could happen
-=)-(eather=- Wash,DC
I still need a field of wildflowers to beckon spring's return, but that can wait up to 30 days more I suppose ...
how is J Heather???
wow now That would be great!!!!!
-=)-(eather=- Wash,DC
nice, happy - better off ... I dunno, we talk for a long time - its still awkward, but I know she's happier than before - thats what counts.
hmmm...just wondering if there is anything else to bring up here re: our discussion???
Heather a field of flowers I have...10,000 daffodils...
that is good to hear Heather
Teri Leigh
I think that it has been a truly great seminar, Randi. I've learned so much tonight.
-=)-(eather=- Wash,DC
you have a picture of 10,000 daffodils - the idea is a solid
well I was going to call it a session if no one else has any other questions
Thanks Teri
Teri Leigh
You know I've gotten so lazy in dressing over the years. I had forgotten all about rice and pantyhose breastforms. I made so tonight. I now remember how much I love them. Thank you, Randi dear.
that's ok Heather, Rose????
de nada teri
ok well if there are no objections...I am going to close this one out
Heather if that is ok with you